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  1. I have just replaced the driver's side window regulator and motor on my 2005 350Z soft top and re-set the window using the button on the motor, before re-fitting the door card, and that side now works perfectly. The passenger side however does not and goes all the way down as I open the roof and stays down. Can I re-programme this side using the up/down buttons perhaps or do I have to take off this door card as well to use the motor button please? If I can do it using the buttons what is the procedure? Thanks
  2. First of all I have a problem with the driver's door window. I have bought a new motor and regulator, watched a few bad American vidoes on youtube and wanted to have a back up if I did try to do it myself. Even to have someone who had done this job just to talk to perhaps.
  3. I wonder if anyone has had a good experience with any mechanics working on 350Z in the local area to me south of Bristol?
  4. This started when I opened the roof, both windows went right down. I put the roof up and the windows did not close. The passenger one closed using it's switch but the driver's side would not move. I read that a slap on the face on the door card might work and it did so the window closed. I tried again, the window went down but did not return so I slapped a bit harder and the window motor made a horrible noise, the window started to come up slowly and juddering but stopped part way up. Now I cannot move either of the windows. Could a fuse have blown? There is no information in the handbook re. fuse numbers. I can see on the Forum people have reset but only with the windows working. For my older car someone said a rest button is behind the door card. Can anyone help please? Is there a local independent who is into 350zs - I live just south of Bristol
  5. I have just bought a 2005 convertible with 100,000 on the clock and in good condition. For the first mile the oil pressure will show 70psi when accelerating and 35 on tickover. These figures drop to 60 and 25 with hot oil and I wondered if that was as expected? There are no bad noises coming from the engine and it does seem to go quite well. Any comments or other suggestions will be welcome. Thanks, Roy
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