Laurence C
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Everything posted by Laurence C
Update ! Went to my very local Nissan parts department today. Receptionist asked what parts I was after ? I told her I was not there for parts. But to ask a storeman the stupidist question they have ever been asked. She replied. They have heard them all. I said doubt it I HAVE A DOOZIE. Took a seat to wait. Very quickly a storeman arrived. I asked are you a Nissan parts man ? He said I am. I replied good because I am here to ask the stupidst question you have ever been asked as I know it is DAY ONE at parts school. CAN YOU BREAK DOWN A NISSAN VIN NUMBER ?. He said Of course I can. Told him why I was asking off he went with the log book. About 10 min later he returend with a really baffled look and said. I DO NOT KNOW WHAT THAT IS ! He asked Can I look at the car ? Took him out to the car showed him round. Pointed out ALL THE INCONCISTENCIES I KNOW WITH THIS CAR, All the inconcistencies in the VIN. One BELTER in particular he said AGAIN I DO NOT KNOW WHAT THAT IS.. One OBVIOUS EXTERNALY CLEARLY VISIBLE INCONCISTENCY Which I only realised and checked this morning Internet in general search. And ALL 350Z ENGLISH SPEAKING FORUMS I COULD FIND WW, FORUM SEARCH IN ALL FOR THE SPECIFICS. TO FIND NOTHING ! I know FOR CERTAIN if I post this particular odity on here.I WILL BE TORN TO SHREDS AS TALKNG COMPLETE UTTER BOXXOCKS. I asked the storeman CAN YOU TELL ME THAT IS ANYTHING OTHER ? THAN WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE ? He replied NO I CANT. THAT IS ! EXACTLY WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE ! He said there are people out there who know far more than we do and I know from talking to you.. You have encountered them, THAT IS THE WIERDEST THING I HAVE SEEN ! I would not worry too much. That is a lovely car enjoy it. Nissans dealership records know this car from the VIN even down to the non original registreration number it wears today. The deeper I delve into this car the stranger it gets. I ASK AGAIN ANYONE ON HERE WORK IN NISSAN ? Only Nissan knows.
Yeah you read that right ! 05 registered UK 350Z Track package FROM VIN NUMBER 3-2005 UK built 2014 MODEL YEAR ! Nine years ahead of when she was built ! Anybody know ? Anybody on here work for Nissan ? BTW car is a real screwed around with off spec ODDBALL ! VIN is a real screwed about with ODDBALL ! Edit I said track package. Track package is low spec trim HIGH SPEC SUSPENSION BRAKES AND WHEELS. Low spec trim so all the money could be spent on suspension. This car AT THE VERY LEAST IS TRACK PACKAGE SUSPENSION. Aluminium bonnet, Leather full electric chairs and some toys Not all but some. Suspenision is what I only can describe as VERY WELL SET UP COMPETITION GRADE. Non Coilover non adjustable in any way, standard fitment. Bounce the front HARD you might as well try bounce a wall. rears, JUST SLIGHTLT SOFTER. Ride is VERY firm YET TOTALLY ROAD SPEED FRIENDLY.. Competition setups ARE NOT ROAD SPEED FRIENDLY ! On the road they QUITE LITERALLY bounce the pee out of you. I do not want to put coilovers in this car I feel that would be detrimental over what she allready has.
Wee bit of update on MY screw up. . Out of hiding with a slightly clearer concience, Tho this is NOT JDM related. First off I must print HERE a BIG THANK YOU To Sebastian for encourageing me TELLING ME to INVESTIGATE NUMBERS in the electronics. I now am convinced I must check ALL PHYSICAL NUMBERS TOO.. Having JUST checked my VIN I now understand how previous owners reconed car was JDM. As she was BUILT UN UNDERSEALED and completly screwed around with. I FELL FOR IT TOO. From my VIN breakdown From NISSANS OWN SITE Nissan help and other VIN sites. I now know for certain my car does not know where Japan is should it even be presented with a map. It is not just the car spec fully screwed around with either The. NON STANDARD chopped about inner dashboard which NO STEREO can be correctly fitted. Even a stock centre facia panel has to be seriously chopped to get it to fit. My car the cubby hole door in the dash is PERMANANTLY FIXED SHUT. so the butchery behind it can never be seen Till dash centre is taken out. Then all horrors are revealed. She is completly oddball and off spec etc. The VIN no is screwed around with also. My car from VIN is getting EVEN WIERDER. Nine NOT an 05 model year as I expected BUT 2014 Model year WTF ???? Nine years after build date ! The engine tho visually a DE. Wrong motor for 05 Track package. I now find from VIN engine no longer even identifies as a DE but as the car is ( MIGHT BE ) SERIOUSLY SCREWED AROUND WITH. G ? Nissan G ? Please Nissan explain to me what a G is in engine part of a 350 VIN code. Could G be the same thing as Triumph cars used X for, EXPEREMENTAL ? I really do not want to need visit a Nissan dealership looking VIN identified parts for this car. From MANY years in the vehicle repair Car Truck Heavy plant Welding plant and generators trade I know I will be for certian told FXXK OFF OUT OF HERE WE CAN GET NOTHING FOR THAT ! Original owner ( REALLY highly suspected knowing this } a MR NISSAN FROM SUNDERLAND. Only Nissan know what has been done to this car. How she ESCAPED the factory ? Her ( EVEN MORE HIGHLY suspected ) second owner worked for this MR NISSAN. Thanks to my mate who reminded me how car manufacturers opperate wih factory owned vehicles MODIFIED TO HELL AND BACK OR COMLETLY UNTOUCHED. My mate and I both worked for a HUGE WORLD WIDE car manufacturer .Personally THREE YEARS OF HELL ! Company owned cars were ONLY SOLD INTERNALY CHEAP AS CHIPS on condition NOT TO BE RESOLD FOR FIVE YEARS. As ANY of these cars could have been used for actual on road real life testing of experimental components. Even the MD could have been aproached by R&D and his keys demanded.. These cars were not permited to fall into the hands of the trade or Joe public. The further I investigate the wierder it gets.. Have my views on this car changed knowing now she is a TOTALY SCREWED AROUND WITH ODDBALL ? NOPE ! I love her more and understand her better.
OH BOY I NEED A SLAP ! SOMEBODY PLEASE SLAP ME. I have been a Dick. PO SPECIFICLY told me my car was a JMD import HE NEEDS SLAPPED EVEN MORE THAN I DO ! Thanks to Sebastian for pointing this out. Just confirmed by a ZED VIN number check MY CAR IS UK NOT JMD I SHALL GO DIG ME A BIG DEEP HOLE RIGHT NOW. And another for PO. This is why Torque works. The chopped about oddball dash internals the JDM version badging. NO IDEA WHAT HAS GONE ON HERE BUT CHOPPED ABOUT AND ODDBALL SHE MOST CERTAINLY IS. Apoligies to Sebastian and others reading. Long time since I have been so DAMM THICK ! Can I clam senility due to this very senior moment ? It's okay I do remember being wrong once before. Shall go hide now. FOREVER !
Sebastian No use to me but I found this snippet on t interweb. This K-line communication is also known as ISO 9141-2 or ISO 14230-4 (also known as Keyword Protocol 2000 or KWP). Both ISO's are almost similar. Of no flamin use to me but kit may be of assistance to you. Both the working Vgate Bluetooth OBD devices I have list both. Torque app ALSO LISTS BOTH
Downloaded this Motor data OBD app. This looks like a common garden OBD reader app to me. ARE YOU SURE THIS IS THE RIGHT APP ? Just states OBDII protocol even with vehicle details inc VIN added. Tho it did automaticly install my Bluetooth OBD device link details without me entering it. Looked for other apps named similar SAME APP !
Update on my previous postings SERIOUS BLOODY UPDATE. New OBD device just arrived Vgate iCar Pro BT4.0 Went straight out to the car removed previous working Vgate. Plugged in device.WOULD NOT PAIR WITH MY PHONE.( Not that I read the instructions Us men dont do that. As I say often IF ALL ELSE FAILS READ THE INSTRUCTIONS ) Torque would not connect. Opened Torque to OBD device the name ANDROID LINK came up ticked that box. car profile selected automaticly. No other settings adjusted. TORQUE WORKING AGAIN 100%. THATS TWICE GUYS ! TWICE While trying to pair with phone I noticed the Skoda parked in front of me as available devices. OH how I could screw with him. Keep that up my sleeve incase he annoys me How the hell do I get Torque app onto my head unit ?
Have not looked as yet but my wee hand held reader states VIN number not in ECU. What Torque says I do not know.
Definitly JDM car and ECU The protocol ISO 9141-2 entered in Torque SPECIFICLY. Not auto detect In car details. OBD Bluetooth device is Vgate iCar2 ELM327 V2.1 Tho I will be changing this as it does not auto switch on. Off it does On no. For mobile phone usage that is fine as a head unit app it is NOT GOOD ENOUGH do not want one running constantly either. The bit more costy Vgate iCar Pro BT4.0 does auto switch on and off. I have one winging its way here now, as I want Torque to opperate in car live on the fly from JUST a touch on the head unit .(Live in car diagnostics). Vehicle profile on the head unit will be exclusive to my car meaning just select mode I want so no faffing about. On my phone I may well have other car profiles. Nothing special about the settings just normal pairing and specify the protocol. Did have to reboot the phone tho. ( Nearly forgot to add that. ) Actually surprised Torque is working myself from what I have read. Was kinda suspecting / EXPECTING to have to use a different app. But NOPE ! Torque works. FINE BY ME ! BTW What year is your car ? All JDM cars 2006 and newer require a paid for permision ( probabaly temporary too ) Mine is 2005 so okay. ANOTHER EDIT Just had a look at the Torque app not connected. See one the available plug in's racing telemetry NO CHANCE ! Do not want to make my own car able to testify against me IN GREAT DETAIL in court. That was a real consern in my old car 1970 Triumph Gt6 retro fitted programmable ECU which data logged. Only 3 miniuets but in a SERIOUS event enough info to prosecute. Funny side note. Arseing about with Torque on live connection yesterday. I looked up fault codes It came up with a WARNING of a specific code number impending. Auto transmission ECU fault on CHRYSLER JEEP ! Mine not even automatic NEVER MIND A JEEP !
Make certain you select ISO 9141-2 MANUALLY in vehicles profile. Do not let it detect protocol automaticly
Sorry guys it does. Just done it today.
Torque works on JDM JUST DONE IT. First attempt too . Now have to work out how to get Torque app on my head unit. NEW install not worked her out yet. Torque app came FREE with OBD transmitter. BUT HELL COULD I DOWNLOAD IT from their CD ? Had to buy Torque app. DAM I HATE GOOGLE ! Allways have.
Called at petrol station ole in the wall. As I parked up a sliver Nismo kitted 350 pulled up at pump. Spoke to the owner (Andy) he lives here in my town His car is an 05 as is mine but his is UK car mine JDM. He complained his car was horrid on speed humps tho slightly better on coilovers,and asked about mine. Mine as track package handles speed humps without any issue.Track package used standard fitment suspension non adjustable in any way but HEAVY HEAVY duty. Aparently his puts engine warning lamp on all the time due to his aftermarket cats. Told him to get O2 spacers as it sorted mine even on high flows. First ZED owner I have met so far. Zed head only over a month now.
From what I have read all JDM 2006 and newer require a paid for permission LIKELY TEMPORARY TOO.
I have a cheapo OBD reader (Not the VERY CHEAPEST but cheap enough) for mine a JDM car. Works just fine. Beleive it or not folowing rant is OBD reader related. I have been having HUGE PROBLEMS with my brand new Pioneer head unit. Cannot return this NASTY POS as I threw the box out nor can I find the receipt. I have now bought a cheap Chinese head unit off the bay of evil. Not the cheapest £30 one. Which I did buy but then decided NAAA NOT WHAT I WANT ! So I have now bought another once again cheap Chinese head unit but this one at A WHOLE £64. With ITS OWN internal GPS ( not off phone data,) and internal fully programmable steering wheel interface also included is a reversing camera kit. This head unit arrived this morning TIDY ENOUGH. Sound system standard 16n pin plug has tails on it I KNEW THIS but I got an ISO lead with both plugs fitted off Amazon for £10 . From reviews I have read seen on YouTube this particular unit is decent enough not high end but decent enough and fast enough. Fast enough for car use requirements..Not looking top end anyway as the exhaust certainly competes. It will certianly be easier installed than the Pioneer. This is the CARS FAULT as dash internals have been altered and original ODDBALL fitting brackets missing. ODDBALL even to all other JDM I have seen on Youtube. Making instalation REALLY DIFFICULT and externly visually badly fitted. I have spent a bucket load on fitting kits unusable wheel interfaces to try get this useless SOB Pioneer fitted correctly AND FAILED. I could not return any of this stuff as I had little choice but use a few odd bits out of each kit of parts. SCUNNERED PROPER SCUNNERED ! For those unfamiliar with the word REALLY Pee'd off. New head unit is only just under 2 inches thick, defnitly weighs less than a bag of sugar and WILL mount directly and fully correctly to the inside of the face panel using the surrounds trim face plate fitting screws not the dash internals. ANYWAY back off this tangent. New unit is Android meaning it is capable of insallation of apps. I have ordered a MID PRICE RANGE authentic chip, any protocol auto shut down OBD Bluetooth transmiter. Included with this item is the Torque app Pro version inclusive in the still pretty low price. Said transmitter can be left pluged in permanantly. .MY CUNNING PLAN to quote Baldrick is to install the Torque app in the head unit HOPEFULLY If I can get it working to give LIVE IN CAR DIAGNOSTICS C/W live fault code read and reset. That is the plan anyway. Only snag is If theTorque app is also installed on my phone which it will be and Bluetooth paired it will switch on the OBD Bluetooth device when you even near the car with your phone. Using power .Phone will need unpaired from the OBD device. when not in use. If Torque app is needed on phone to diagnose another vehicle it is only a matter of unpluging OBD Bluetooth device. Fit the transmiter in other vehicle. Pair phone with device. Simple as . From what I have read as my car is 2005 JDM I can use the Torque app on her completly FOC .Newer than this JDM;s require a paid for and quite likely very temporary Permision. Can this CHEAPO head unit be worse than the POS Pioneer ? DOUBT THAT. That garbage DELETED ALL THE CONTACTS OFF MY PHONE after unit had installed them. Certanly not the only issue. Bluetooth connection and radio are the only two functions that can be counted on as working. Even the one touch OFF SWITCH is slow reacting and difficult to use as it is only mm away from the face mount USB needed to be correctly wired with the and to charge the phone. Musics on my phones SD card. New head unit has two USB tails fed from rear of unit for which I have two panel mount USB sockets. One will be fitted LH of centre consol the other inside consols cubby hole where phone can live completly hidden away, its cable also unseen. Ugly aftermarket stick on phone mounts ? No thanks. AND TO PIONEER NEVER EVER AGAIN ! Edit BTW beffore anyone points it out. Pioneers handbook. Not the REALLY BASIC BOOK THAT CAME WITH UNIT Described not as a book but a guide, But from a far more comprehensive on line ONLY version states. Unit can be reset to factory settings for any reason OR IF UNIT DOES NOT WORK CORRECTLY this can be done with a pen or any other sharp object. A FXXXING PEN ? NO CHANCE ! Reset hole is far too tiny and switch too far set back inside the unit to be accesed by a pen. I have reset this unit which in itself is A CHORE numberous times. A REALLY TEMPORARY FIX before the unit goes haywire again. Again before anyone points out that I really should buy a higher end head unit. The MUCHO CHEAPO CHINEZIUM one was selected due to aforementioned fitting issues. This unit being SO SLIM it will fit EASILY AND CORRECTLY. I can not use a unit that sits way back into the dash. No facility of using side brackets in this car. A correct fitting is a most important issue to me. The quality of the audio ? Not that particularly conserned as said exhaust will compete. I am not one to sit up parked listening to clasicial orchestras. DO NOT NEED A TOP END UNIT. I do however do need a head unit fitted, rather than the big gaping hole and no sounds AT ALL I got the car with. The features on this unit I now have are what I was looking for. Phone function. Bluetooth. Direct head unit access to the many albums on phones SD card without having to start select album and play processes done on the phone itself to use my music as is required through Bluetooth. Also THE STEERING WHEEL CONTROLS allready on the wheel I DO want this car working complety corectly. These are the specific functions I required. AND DID NOT GET WITH THE JUNK PIONEER. GPS Android reverse camera ARE ALL BONUSES. Not to mention again if I can make it work the Torque app. Regarding the OBD Bluetooth device I SPENT MORE ON FITTING KITS ( PLURAL ) TRYING TO FIT THE PIONEER.. Each kit cost more than this OBD device. So not even a dreadfull loss if I cannot get Torque working. I WANT IT, I REALLY WANT IT but again no big loss if I cannot
MOT emissions data log - HFC, Decat etc... please contribute
Laurence C replied to msitpro's topic in Exhaust
My first ZEDS mine two and a half weeks now PO lied about warning lights being all off. They were when I wiewed the car. Morning after getting the car home on startup ENGINE WARNING LAMP ON. When reset comes back about 3/4 hour later. Bugger PO had been resetting the P0420 code. ALL I KNEW then was car is a Jap import, Stainless sports exhaust. and PO claimed she will pulll 155. KNEW NO MORE. When viewed I did not know Japanesse limiters are set at112 mph DO NOW I ran two bottles of cat cleaner through her NO DIFFERENT had to keep resetting code. NOW I DISCOVER High flow cats fitted K&N filter fitted Hard cut limiter reset from stock 6500 to now 6750 PO had shift light set a 6600 Which works as it should revs continuing after light. Was under the car Wed to try fitting O2 spacers but it was like lying in an ARTIC wind tunnel But that is when I did notice the high flow cats. TOO DAM COLD so just lowered the car again. Got the spacers fitted Friday thanks to my mate letting me use his garage. WL staying out properly now. ANY HOOO.Consererned still regarding the emissions for MOT booked for 25 March. Today I went to another mates commercial garage to get emissions checked JUST IN CASE there is still a problem. Mate told me to take car up the road a bit to heat cats. Did that then I returned to garage TESTED Co. Did not ask the figures but mate said Laurence that will pass, there is no problem there. I told him of my conclusions of the remap ( PO had not mentioned) ) and that one of the indications is the removal of the Japaneese 112 mph limiter. He replied I do not doubt at all that YOU have tested THAT out. Yeah well I might have. Oh how he knows me. -
Vaping HATED IT ! Coughed my flaming lungs up. Back to the unfiltered roll ups. Yeah I know. Cheap and good for you. The issue is PRICE ? B JEASSUS THE PRICE in the shops. Been getting mine lately HALF THE PRICE, Do'nt ask ! Mate converted to vaping years back. Every time I see the bugger he rolls up from mine. Then wonders why I make sarcastic abusive remarks to him. Not that he does not respond in kind.
Naaaa Its the truth I am probably an original NUT BEHIND THE WHEEL. Notorious for it. A VERY LONG TIME now. Used to be most people would only get in a car with me ONCE ! Age has mellowed me A BIT but still a few screws loose. Proud ? No not particularly so. But Nuts ? Yes I LITERALLY. Have the paperwork, the meds and the sectionings to prove that. Thats my diagnosis NUTS ! 😁 BTW It took me MANY MANY YEARS to build ANY LEVEL of confidence after the CONSTANT RIDICULE, physical and phycological abuse at home.The also constant put downs of my childhood . From my parents, one the abuser the other the facilitator of said abuse. ( My parents and an Uncle even swindled me to the tune of £ 65000 back in 1980. RESENTED AND NOT FORGIVEN ). I also endured similar physical and phycological abuse at primary school from my head mistress. ( Simply because I am Dyslexic Not discovered at that time. I was classified as and called STUPID ) Stupid ? Anything but it ! DYSLEXICS COMMONLY AR'NT STUPID. Some of the cleverist sharpest people I know are also Dyslexic. My sister once told me coming home from school I must tell my parents this physical and phycological abuse was happening to me at that school. I DID then I recieved two bloody hidings for that,,one from each parent and told I deserved every bloody bit of it. I DIDNT ! My ONLY SAVIOUR on this issue was my VERY DEAR TO ME much older friend Tommy a former WW2 SBS SAS Highly practiced killing machine. He heard from his sons ( exactly what was going on in the school FOR NO REASON, My friends exact words ) He then marched into the school and gave the woman WHAT FOR AND THE ROUNDS OF THE PLACE. I had no further trouble at that school after he did that. That is WHAT MY PARENTS WERE SUPPOSED TO DO. PROTECT ME They didnt, they too were already doing the abusing. So please dont blame me TOO MUCH for having survived THAT CARP. And in DESPITE of it having BUILT MYSELF a bit of confidence in who and what i am. I do know myself well, my capabilities AND my shortcomings I am WELL AWARE of what happend me.. Thanks IN NO SMALL PART to my two breakdowns.( To quote one of my phyciatrists ) THE SERIOUS PHYCOLOGICAL DAMAGE IT DID. He also said on my discharge I can do nothing very much for you because you know EXACTLY what has happened you. Yeah my diagnosis ? NUTS ! The specific reason I am a loon behind the wheel is my lack oif a fear of death., ( INSTALLED BY MY CHILDHOOD ) And probably highly influenced by MY MATE the SBS SAS killer Tommy.. ( Having knoiwn him REALLY WELL still to this day influences my life ) HE WAS A TOUGH MAN. A gentleman but one NOT TO BE SCREWED WITH. Some did and regretted it ! This lack of a fear of death ? Last years NEAR FATAL bowel cancer PROVED THAT. The skinny guy in black with the sythe was knocking hard on my door AND I KNEW IT. Was'nt scared of it but I knew it. Even took the Bus to hospital which totally astonished the Doctors. When I got out just a few days after the two emergency surguries I got the bus home again DESPITE BEING ORDERED NOT TO. My attitude even got me interviewed in the paper while receiving my last Chemo in the unit. Put forward to the reporters by the Chemo unit themselves. Because of my attitude towards the treatment The cancer itself The EMERGENCY SURGERIES. The 7 months of Chemo The acceptance of the colostomy bag.. Even tho i knew the colostomy bag could probably happen IT WAS STILL A REAL SHOCKER INITALLY waking up with that. I cannot say I like it much but it's with me now for life. But like the cancer it is what it is. I was told MANY TIMES by Doctors Specialist nurses even Consultants my attitude helped me signigifigantly. Even helping to reduce the chemos side effects. ( One bad enough week in 7 months NOT TOO BAD ) Not saying I did not have side effects I Did but not too badly at all. Loss of sence of taste was about the worst. Hated that. I like my grub. When I worked, this very same attitude was called an ATTITUDE PROBLEM !
So Spent part of last night reading up old threads on this forum regarding mapping. I have come to the following concllusion. My JDM ZED must have been remapped. UPrev or other. Removal of the 112 mph speed limiter either removed or reset. Do not intend to test out which. But knowing me,I probably will. With the breathing alterations, Exhaust, High flow cats and the K&N filter mapping must have been done to properly compensate.. Runs and performs far too well. As happy at 20 in sixth as she is at 80. Also the slightly upped hard cut rev limiter. These things all point to remapping. THO I HAVE NO PAPERWORK. She performs like a proper bloody hooligian. She looks like a proper bloody hooligian. I drive like a proper bloody hooligian.My track driving has been described as hooligian antics. REALLY BLOODY QUICK HOOLIGIAN ANTICS I must add. Or as a marshall once said to me FAR TOO BLOODY QUICK. Took my mate a run up to a club meeting the other night. His wife said. She would pray for him. I have the car two weeks and the local Police are ALLREADY giving me dirty looks. There again THEY DO KNOW ME OF OLD. A neighbour once told me. They had set up a speed trap on a VERY tight rural B road early one morning. SPECIFICICLY TO CATCH ME. en route to work. I did not go that way that morning. Another mate reconed that was a badge of honour.
Right it is a DE motor. The 2005 Track package and the aniversaries ONLY ! Those had suposedly a Revup. (From what I have read) The hard cut limiter comes in at 6750 rpm DEFINITLY 6750. Checked a few times. This is after the shift light set by PO at 6600. Possible mild remap ? Tacho red line is 6500 which is right for a DE but clocks have been altered. UK speedo Km odometer. ALSO I beleive Jap origin cars had 112 mph speed limiter PO says she will pull 155. NOT TRIED THAT YET ! Personal max so far 110 had then to shut down as aproaching speed cameras. So Jap speed limiter altered. Also has normal OBD II protocol not the Japaneese varient it should have. WHAT IS GOING ON HERE ? Mild remap ? With the alteraterations this car has, and being a track package. I seriously suspect this car was put together by someone to be the car he wanted and had a UK parts car to hand. Leather ? NOT ON TRACK PACKAGE. UK speedo, UK Colum switchgear,. Trip computer also ALL in Miles not kilometers including the dashtop speedo in MPH, Normal OBD. High flow cats, Stainless sports exhaust, K&N filter 16mm wheel spacers. A mild remap would fit in with these mods. so nicely. Yes or No ? Thoughts please. BTW Engine warning lamp STILL OUT ! O2 spacers work.
Mine is the earlier type engine the 287 horse. Should not be this motor really 05 track package. SUPOSEDLY Should have same engine as the aniversary the 300 horse one.7000 limit on that. ( Import so who really knows ? ) Could be wrong, only two weeks into ZEDS. Yes I know how to alter the shift light. Seeing the wee bugfger at lick is not so easy, My previous serious self modded wheels. (Even quite quicker than my ZED) The shift light was a truck LED indicator repeater stuck right on top of the dash. COULD NOT FAIL TO SEE THAT The ZED has the signs other work in prep for maybe a remap too ? Sports stainless system. High flow cats. K&N
YEAH AINCIENT THREAD I KNOW ! Just found it ANOOOR NORN IRN ZED HED. Well okay first ZED owner bout 2 weeks now. belfastboy0 I had the EXCACT same issue warning light EXACT same reason high flow cats. PO LIED ABOUT DASH WARNING LIGHTS when I asked. Off when viewed. ON first thing day after brought home. DONT CARE NOW MUCH. Car was cheap enough. EVEN WITH PO's Garbage stupid swirley carbon graphics all over the car, Undercar lights, The smoked lights REARS AND STUPIDLY EVEN THE HEADLIGHTS SMOKED TOO . Most of his DUNG is now removed. Anyroads I tried cat cleaner TWICE No different ! Got a pair of O2 sensor extensions off ebay fitted those yesterday EASY FITTED bar left side, sensor bung was welded out of line with the hole in system, BASTARD RAT TAIL FILE TIME. Done now. Given car REALL good run yesterday and today. LIGHT STAYING OUT. Cheap enough fix CHEAPER THAN A REMAP ANYWAY. BTW under the impression mine already has the remap done. Certianly seems to go on a bit past the shift light set at 6600 before the hard cut limiter. I HAVE BEEN TRYNG. BUT TOO CHICKEN @*!# TO ACTUALLY WATCH THE TACHO at this rpm.
And the track package even stiffer than that.
Newly aquired 05 Datsun 350 ZED track package. PO had removed the original head unit broken and in Japanese he threw it out still FITTED WITH ITS FITTING BRACKETS. I bought a new Pioneer double DIN, a steering wheel interface including option leads and a Double DIN surround for the ZED. On previous inspection I found head unit space completly different to Japanese import double din installs on Youtube. Brackets and all are COMPLETLY DIFFERENT normal units appear to screw in fom the back of centre plastics. Mine slid in from interior of car not the back of face panel. Bought a universal fitting kit from Halfords another 35 quid as the only bracket I have seen ARE NOT SUITABLE Those are on Ebay and are £80 SH in the US. No Ta ! Pulled the interior centre facia out today Tried fitting the steering wheel interface ALL THE BLOODY PLUGS ARE DIFFERENT. Interface unusable. more money well spent. The Halfords universal fitting kit has two foam pads in it, stickey stuff on both sides. All other contents unusable too. £35 for two stickey foam pads ? More dosh well spent. Head unit now stuck in hole with these foams but requires pulling out again to position a bit better But IT IS IN, IT IS WORKING lots of new bits left over unusable. NOT AN ECOMNOMOIC EXERCISE. Thats me tale of woe fitting a double DIN. At least now I got sounds. Now to get me music on a memory pen so I do not need to arse with my phone to change 150 albums.
Not saying it cannot be done. But I am strugglelig to think how to do a normal cllutch pack one or even a Torsen / Quaife OR WHY ANYONE WOULD WANT TOO. Sell it buy an open diff to do.. Plenty prepared to pay for LSD's.