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Everything posted by DoogyRev

  1. And your surprised you never see him... he's a busy chap
  2. Any one else got the 12 Days of Christmas App? Every day from Boxing day they give away free stuff....... may be pants stuff..... but may good stuff
  3. Congratulations Jay and Mrs Jay to be Stunning scenery
  4. Now you see what we have to work with Sorry At least there is a thicky-proof guide now
  5. I know how to copy and paste...... but did not know/thought about doing it this way. Its would still be much better to have a "Reply to All" button
  6. Cant get stuck.... if you don't go out
  7. Bad luck fella, that sounds expensive My only advice on an alternative would be to look harder for them
  8. Ok, for those who dont know what I do now .........With a little help from a friend Step 1:- Have some friends to recieve a "group" PM Step 2:- If you decide you want to reply to them all, select them all as shown Step 3:- Right click the blue bit and select copy Step 4:- While this is selected click "PM Reply" Step 5:- In the user names box Right click and paste Step 6:- Ta Da Step 7:- Arrange as shown so each user name is on a different line and click the "Add [To]" Button Step 8:- All done
  9. Merry Christmas to you and all other Forum Goers P.S ...... The UGG boots comment was too much info and ruined my christmas
  10. Dave, please PM a mod to have your user name changed to SMD... or something shorter.... I am wearing my fingers out
  11. Surely you recognised the word "Christmas" Dave
  12. I hope I am not being thick...... but is there a "reply to all" button when responding to PM's??? If not can we have one please
  13. Perhaps we could have a game of eye spy while we wait I will start........ Eye spy with my little eye something beginning with........S
  14. Welcome Along Glad to see Biscuits car has gone to a good home
  15. Welcome Looking forward to the pic's...... if the sun ever comes out again
  16. Very nice looking car And Dave..no that wont fit on your car
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