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Everything posted by DoogyRev

  1. Just remove the bracket.....I had the bracket removed when I had my scorpion fitted. Mine was a little out in terms of alignment as well, either get the hangers moved so it fits flush.........or just dont point it out. no one will notice
  2. Your not supposed to look on the internet to see how much you birthday presents total cost come in at
  3. I might need your assistance Cragus, the batteries have been in the remote for years... bound to run out soon
  4. Works for me too........ as I am in charge of the Network
  5. Graham, Can I borrow your Money Clip please
  6. Money Clip.... I guess you have a hairy chest and a medallion as well
  7. As long as it's right for you... who cares My worst bugbear is stood behind someone at a till, waiting for them to A) fumble about trying to get change out of their wallet, have so much stuff in it it takes them 10 minutes to find anything, C) Pay for a pack of chewing gum with their card, and D) start doing points A to C when the cashier says that will be........ 32p please. PEOPLE YOU KNOW YOU ARE GOING TO PAY FOR SOMETHING.... SO FOR FECK SAKE PREPARE !!!!!!!!
  8. +1 ...... apart from not being elegant, being a workie scumbag and coming from a mental Scottish Village Function over rip off price after all it will spend most of its time in a pocket mine was only £32.... in the sale.
  9. I have a Ted Baker one.... quality is good, enough room for what I need , and came with a separate "card only wallet that I don't use
  10. for getting to the top of the list....... for not being able to "surf the 350z-uk forum while you work" I would talk to the I.T bods nicely and they may know a back door
  11. Does it have Business Class....... or just Basket Class
  12. They all park like that there I am sure I have seen that Blue Coupe when I have been to Birmingham
  13. Sounds Fantastic.........but I think its gonna be more................ Bored at an Airport, Bored on a Plane,Sleep, See a bit of scenery from the taxi, go to hotel, Sleep, go to work, back to hotel, Sleep, go to airport..... and repeat Unless I can get my Boss to "extend" the time in each place... might even book some leave.........if it co-insides that my leave occurs on specific days when I am in different countries then so be it
  14. I did not see that anyone had posed before me, OK then, you and Ekona Win
  15. Oooooooooh so close I am gonna have to give that to you It is a complete lap of the world ............ London --> Mumbai --> Singapore --> Sydney --> L.A --> Washington D.C --> London --> Sleep for a Week That's 25,000 miles in 10 days, with 1 day in each city.... working I think its only fair that my Boss changes it to 3 days in each city ... it cant just be all work, work work
  16. Your wrong again, this does not lap anything, it just goes up and down in a big "U" shape, Firstly, where would I get the £100+ to pay for it, and if I had 100K would I spend it on "nearly going in to space"... err no.
  17. That's not been arranged yet, so you assume wrong
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