Our web Guy has just read this thread and says phpbb3 is the best forum software available on the market. It may not be as quick as others, but is far superior in terms of functionality and what it can do.
The issues the forum is having is most likely the hardware its running on not the software itself
Yep they are.... don't like windows phone OS
I would wait for the new iPhone 5 to come out September time and negotiate a new contract to accommodate it
Why don't you put two nostrils in, one for your air intake, and one for the oil cooler. You could use some flexi pipe to route the airflow down. At least if the cooler is getting too cold you can change the airflow
Welcome to the Miltek Clan
I would keep you old one if you have the space...... if you ever sell the car you will get more for the miltek
I clean the tips with Autosol when I clean the car, only takes 5 minutes. If you do a bumper tuck then you will need to do the back box as well.