Sorry to get your hopes up . . its not a Car
So our gardener gave me a present the other day. Now, I was not expecting anything in tip top condition, but its free, so I'm not complaining
I am still waiting for the bottom half to arrive as he cant fit it all in his tiny car He will also be dropping off a load of tools . . . Hmmm cant wait to see their condition. The bottom half is "light purple apparently with a Skull and Crossbones painted on . . errr nice.
So the plan is to strip is back, get rid of all the rust and make it nice a shiney again
First off Drawers and rails out
Washed it out and degreased it, just waiting for it to dry
It can stay like that for now . . .off tomorrow to see what nice new power tools and attachments I can get
Colour wise, I am thinking a nice deep red . . and NO IT WON'T BE PURPLE
Stay tuned for more exciting progress.