Todays Update . . . .
Ok, remember those bits of metal I purchased from yesterday . . well when I was waiting for the shop to open, I got chatting to a nice chap called Brad
. . . who does a little bit of welding in his spare time. Dropped round this afternoon and this was the result. . . .
Plates drilled and bolts for the new dollies welded in place, plated welded on and some shelf brackets added. Huge thanks to Brad for helping out a putz like myself. Thats what I like about Canada. . . Its like the Zed Shed . . but everywhere
P.S I did not take any pics of his "Shop" (thats a garage to you english folk) . . but OMG He has every conceivable tool and piece of equipment, including a car lift
Apparently his son has a 240z as well
Anyhow, it will be back to sanding, and priming for the next week or so.
Thats all for now