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Everything posted by Ledfut

  1. 1.andy James. 1x club ticket Tracktime 09.40 2. Andy_Muxlow. 1 x club ticket. 3. Neil mcnab, 1 X club ticket Tracktime 15.40 4. Tauvp, 1 x club ticket 5. Defacake (Owen), 1 x club ticket 6. Blacklist_Nismo, 1 x club ticket 7. Clacksonator, 1 x club ticket 8. Buptaboy (Rob), 1 x Club Ticket 9. H44KRS 1x club ticket Tracktime 15.40 10. Tori370z x1 club ticket 11. HEADPHONES 1x club ticket 12. Berkcan 1x club ticket Tracktime 15.40 13. daveo132 (Dave) 1x Club ticket 14. nismoandy,1 x club ticket 15. Johnathan Leverton 1x Club ticket 16. SmithRC (Russell Smith) 1x Club Ticket + 1x Passenger 17.Plan370z 1x club ticket passenger ticket x1 Tracktime 9.20 18. andymac183 1 x club ticket 19. davey_83 1 x club ticket 20. Monkey1983 ( Sam ) 1x club ticket 21. Harry2601 - 1x club ticket and Tracktime 09:00 22. Ledfut 1x club ticket
  2. Ha you are kidding right? My car cleaning has become a running joke with the neighbours! New w and kidney braces a couple o week ago and sortin the scabby wheels next. She'll soon be lookin as she should
  3. Yup you are a fair trek to Chorley from Bristol, though in my yoof I'd think nothin of drivin to brizz for a night of ravin....
  4. Greetings fellow zedder. Lookin sharp in the blue, especially with that mesh grille
  5. Thanks guys. Will no doubt be catchin some of you at the shows over the summer. I'll be at jap2jap again now I know about it, kinda stumbled on it, and japfest So here is a shot of my old motor, '98 celica sr sadly scrapped after 13 years of ownership and another of my little ray of sunshine😎
  6. Hey there folks. Was recently adopted by a 2005 350z gt in the delicious LeMans sunset and it makes me happy. Loved em since the first I saw and a 2 year obsession of hunting the right car followed Here she is, glowing in the Sunday sunshine at jap2jap at heskin hall
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