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Everything posted by polaris

  1. Just had the auto folding mirror mod installed. Works a treat. Any convenient way to upload a video so I can share with you kind folk?
  2. I've done some research on this topic. To put it simply: Wayoxl is crap and a bit of an antique. Go with an approved Dinitrol provider. Undersealing can make a problem worse especially if serious rust has already started to take hold. It'll be hidden but still be eating away at your car. Saying this, most approved Dinitrol specialists do their best to remove existing rust before lathering on the coating.
  3. I've got a DE Rev Up so that should work?
  4. Hi, looking for that little insert/divider which slots in between the two cup holders. My bottle keeps sliding around, very annoying
  5. Hi, just had a local audio specialist replace the aging Bose cassette system with a Sony head unit (steering wheel controls through loom). Now I'm having an issue where the outside air temperature sensor is blank (not working) and it constantly has "ICY" at the bottom regardless of the mode selected. Obviously I'll be chasing them tomorrow to sort the issue but any ideas on what could cause this? Thanks in advance.
  6. Not an import. I was surprised as well. I've seen several that look pretty horrific.
  7. Had my 2007 350Z up on a lift today so I took a few photos. Exhaust is a Miltek cat-back system which was added back in 2017. 57,000 miles on the clock. In my opinion, it looks good considering everything is original. Should I replace the w brace?
  8. Couldn't rotate for some reason... I blame the forum. Got a detailer in to do it.
  9. Fresh clean, paint correction and ceramic coat. Can I claim the title of cleanest Z for this week? Removed.
  10. Not really relevant but I'm looking to do the same. Had my eye on this. Just going to get a local car audio garage to install it for me as it can be quite a hassle apparently.
  11. If you're on here then crisp car mate! I was in a black 350Z.
  12. I believe it's 16557-EH000.
  13. Trying to get at the screen wash reservoirs but having a major issue with my front bumper. While using a 10mm, the screws turn with the mounting clips causing damage to the plastic. It's only the 2 furthest on each side which are stuck which I assume it because of rust/corrosion. Any ideas on how I can free these up without damaging my bumper? The screws in the middle came away fine with a bit of WD40 through the top but I can't get at any of the others.
  14. Any idea what part the o-ring is? On the top engine bay cover.
  15. Hi mate, 2007 350Z GT in Ebisu Black. I just brought it last Friday. Apologies, I wasn't aware of any events going on. You got a link for more information?
  16. Hi, the black screen wash funnel fills up quickly and then slowly drops down (takes like 3 hours to fully empty) which I'm assuming is the fluid moving into the reservoir. Is it normal to take this long? As I understand, there's 2 5L reservoirs on each side so I would've thought it would be very quick to pour in and fill up.
  17. Hi everyone, I just bought a lovely low mileage 350Z in Ebisu Black. Great condition all round and she runs great. Purchase courtesy of @jr6yam who kindly sold it to me. Got her on a garage lift today and I'm pleased to report very minimal surface rust. The original w brace still looks mint for it's age.
  18. Original rays alloys from factory with the blue dots. Previous owner didn't bother refurbishing them as the 350 was his daily. Should I be worried about further damage to the alloys as it hasn't been sorted? Is this something I should get sorted right away or can I sort other bits first? Just want to get a measure of severity, thanks
  19. I've seen loads of kits for the 370Z 2009 and onwards. Are you aware of any that work with 350Z factory sat nav's like in the 2007 model?
  20. Looks amazing! I swear I saw it on listed on eBay during my searches.
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