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  1. Thanks, I have it booked in on the 20th but the suspense is killing me.
  2. Hi my clutch has started to make a noise and you can feel it through the pedal too on biting point. Sort of a teeth/whine noise. Is it time for a new clutch? Or is there a quick fix? thanks in advance for any help.
  3. Well, news on this. Tried removing the fluid and a can of stop leak back in, top up, remove air and so far so good. May have just been poor quality fluid
  4. It’s in orange! Or red as they say on the log book. running a lot better now it has absorbed £700. Just need to find the power steering leak now.
  5. Thanks, the leak is the hard bit to find, doesn’t want to present itself anywhere
  6. Hi my 350z has a steering judder, mainly when it’s slow or on the spot. It also goes through power steering fluid. No visible leaks. Does anyone have any idea? Is this a common fault? thanks
  7. Hi

    do you have any pas pumps in for a 2003?

  8. Thanks all, soon as I can get it up and running properly I will be out and about. Until then I just get to see it on the drive
  9. Looking for a mechanic who knows his or her way around a 350z. Few jobs need doing and has availability in the NW/Blackpool area if anyone knows/can recommend any? clutch master cylinder power steering judder cam position sensor
  10. Just bought my first Z and planning on getting it ready for some weekend fun. Needs a few things doing and so far the forum has been really useful. looking for Nissan specialist/mechanic in the Blackpool area if there are any nearby?
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