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Everything posted by Loadmaster

  1. Where do you park if you have neither of the three?
  2. Another option for Porker servicing should you need them. On the Balcombe Road just past Chequers Roundabout in Horley, which you're probably familiar with. Porsche Independent Specialist | Nine Excellence
  3. You could use Parr in Crawley, or there's another Porsche indie in Horley, whose name escapes me. If you need it I can get it for you.
  4. Blimey - £75. And to think, I saw one for sale in a classic dealer in Handcross last Sunday for...... £22,500!
  5. Crap, I missed this notification. Near to me as well.
  6. Yes, I'll report back on the options I'm offered. Cost will have an influence on the decision as the car isn't a long term keeper.
  7. I think the only way this will work properly, and update the inside of the car, is to get a new head unit/screen thingy. I've been pointed to a recommended installer near me in Coulsdon, Surrey. Called them an hour ago and they're going to check out the options and get back to me next week.
  8. Great thread - what's next on the 'to-do' list?
  9. Used a Chromcast? Sorry, you'll have to enlighten me there!
  10. I think that might be the more practical option. My recent Moto G50 is about a big enough phone that I want, so that should do.
  11. There's always something else to consider! But seriously, I'm into year 3 with the Z now so may well change late this year or early next.
  12. Thanks, if the Z was a long term keeper then I might invest in something like this. But I'll keep this info in my back pocket for consideration.
  13. I had a sneaky suspicion that would be the case.
  14. Yeah I get that Pete. What I'm want to do is get Waze from my phone onto the car's nav screen, per my question.
  15. As much as the standard sat nav is 'okay', I want to start using Waze if possible for a couple of upcoming trips, one being into Europe. So, I have the Waze app on my phone - how, if at all, can I connect and display on the car's actual nav display screen? Would it be purely by Bluetooth and/or by use of the aux input sockets within the centre armrest storage? Or is is just an impossibility, given the low tech state of the whole system? Sorry for the dim questions - this sort of thing isn't my specialist subject! Cheers for any help or guidance.
  16. Yeah, but that's taking the wee-wee to extremes surely. I can't imagine anyone paying that for it, I certainly wouldn't when , as you say, you can get a lot for £45k.
  17. So many dealers on the "classic" and "modern classic" bandwagon these days, trying to inflate the price of anything.
  18. I saw a low miles 2020 370Z Nismo for sale in an indie dealer the other day for............. £45,000 They weren't even that new at the last knockings, were they?
  19. Happened to me when I bought my 370Z a couple of years ago. Even the dealer hadn't noticed (couldn't be arsed?) that the DVLA had it down as a 350Z. A phone call to DVLA after I got it home got it sorted.
  20. Just 45k miles? A good find. Hope you get to know and enjoy it.
  21. Have you got a link for that show? I can't find the details despite searching. Ta...
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