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Everything posted by Loadmaster

  1. Welcome along. Good photo of your Z in the snow at the Brunnchen car park. Spent a good few hours (days) there!
  2. Welcome along, good to have you aboard. Per Andy's note above, we need a few photos!
  3. I know, I had it for three years and was the first owner in the UK after it was imported from Japan. Oh well.... Good decision on your E91.
  4. I love old BMWs and miss having one for shows etc. My last one was an E39 540 Sport, a Jap import and in perfect condition - I regret selling it. Depending on your circumstances of course, I'd hang on to your E91. Rare and certainly a modern classic, good looking tourer as well.
  5. Abbey Motorsport - nuff said... Z owners come from a significant distance away (see Sim above in Leicester, for example) and even further. Fortunately, I'm only about 12 miles from them!
  6. No, I wasn't thinking of upping from standard 285s, just checking my eyesight! My factory size 245 Potenzas on the front look "stretched" as the tyrewall falls inwards from the rim quite noticably, as if they actually need to be wider. Your wider PS4s look perfect on the front with the vertical wall.
  7. She's looking good there Willsy. Coming up to a year of ownership myself next month. So, the new boots - am I reading the rear tyre wall correctly, 305s??!! What size is on the front, the standard 245s?
  8. Interesting stuff! Any idea why the V2 Nismo isn't numbered (in the UK at least) the same way as the V1?
  9. 1. Zmanalex 2. Stu x2 3. harrison140 4. Kev T 5. Andy james 6. Nismoandy ×2 7. MBS 8. StormtrooperZ 9. Azurez33 10. Da.murf 11. ShortPaul x2 12. Jack94 13. Paul K 14. Lyndzzz 15. Loadmaster
  10. I feel the same Paul. It doesn't do a lot for me currently, maybe my opinion will change when I see one for real. If I were to buy another similar two door after the Z, which I'm unlikely to do, right now it would be the BMW, sorry, Toyota Supra.
  11. Welcome along - a touching story as well about your dad. I've owned my 370Z Nismo for nearly 11 months now and absolutely love it - so different from anything I've ever owned and driven before now. Good luck with your search.
  12. Vehicle Smart? That's the one I use, though I expect there are others out there.
  13. Know how you feel Andy - several cars (and bikes) that I've sold in the past that to this day I regret selling.
  14. Erm yes, but I've kept me pants on....
  15. @Stutopia I've sent in three photos for your consideration!
  16. I'd never heard of Autech, let alone knew that they were a subsidiary of Nissan. I think you've found a 'spiritual' home here!
  17. That's a very cool wagon you have there. Welcome along. Seems to be inspired by Volvo at the rear end.
  18. I'm so glad it's not just me that this sort of thing irritates! There's an indoor bouncy castle play area for kids in our town called "Lets Play" - the number of times I've wanted to call them up and point out their error!
  19. Nowt, just the HFCs - standard downstream beyond that...
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