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Everything posted by Loadmaster

  1. Are these the Pirellis that Hyundai have "specially" developed for their N range?
  2. Holy post revival Batman! When my Potenzas finally wear down a little more and I can justify replacing them, alongside the 'BIGGER' names I've been looking at alternatives. Hankooks are one of them - you obviously think they suit the Z?
  3. I think "Mr February" is the best shot - but then I am being biased! You'll love it, all top photos.
  4. Received mine today as well, thanks Stu. Great work with superb photos!
  5. I paid £23,500 for my late 2017 370Z Nismo (16.5k miles, full history and immaculate) a year ago in February 2021. Out of curiousity a few months ago I put the car's details into WBAC and was quoted, at the highest point, £27,500. It's now down to about£24k, but it's obviously a year older now and with 19k miles on it. Looking at AutoTrader regularly, as you do, dealer prices still do seem high in comparrison, but there are a lot of 350s and 370s that sit there for weeks on end. Ekona's two points above are very relevant.
  6. I know we're only just gradually coming out of this winter and nobody wants to think about the next one, but just to put it out there Goodwood have announced their BC schedule for this year. Vee-Power Sunday, 6th November 2022 - bookings to register for track display are being taken now, which I've just done. Hope a few more Zs can make it.
  7. I think we did M40/A40 actually. Couldn't face it on the way back so cut down over Kew Bridge, then A316 to the M3, M25.
  8. Yeah, it was a complete ball ache. Straight outa Cobham into creeping traffic. Well over an hour from there to Ace.
  9. Just a thought in advance Martin, but if there's going to be a rendezvous at Cobham services again could it be a bit earlier? I can't recall what time we met and set off last year (10 ish at least) but the mid morning M25 traffic was a nightmare. I reckon a strict 09:30 departure would see us at the Ace not a lot before 11:00 anyway.
  10. Yep, I saw the signs for that road closure. I later learned that it was a bike accident and the fatality was a friend of a friend of my daughter's.
  11. All clear thankfully. Thanks for highlighting the issue, will be keeping an eye on that area.
  12. Jeeez, that's not good. You can guess what I'll be checking today.
  13. Pleased to see that one Z got along at least - did you talk to the owner? I think he's on this forum. Were you there quite early? Later in the morning the car park became pretty full.
  14. I won't be there in the Z, but a couple others might be. Going to be cold so I can't vouch for how many will attend.
  15. i30N? Funnily enough I'm looking into one of those - the new 2021 model.
  16. And I forgot to add, the car was with Abbey for a few days for tuning and dyno runs a couple of months ago. They'd have noticed if something was amiss I'm sure. If still in doubt or concerened, you could always get a check on the battery/charging system carried out.
  17. How is the voltmeter actually supposed to behave? On start from cold mine goes around to 13/14v ish, then drops slightly after 5 or 10 minutes. I'm not aware of any problems and don't have any battery issues that I'm aware of.
  18. How did I miss this post? Great event, if not a little frustrating to get to via the M25/M3. Count me in again this year.
  19. Next Bletchingley Arms meet is Saturday 15th January, 09:30 to 11:30.
  20. I'm local (ish) to Brighton and never heard of it! Saturday 23rd April, free at the moment. 😊
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