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Everything posted by Loadmaster

  1. In three weeks I've seen five Zeds during our travels around South Australia. This 370 was parked up in a supermarket in Mount Gambier.
  2. Are you guys planning another for this summer? Really enjoyed last year's, so I hope so.
  3. Okay, it's not a Z, but if you're like me and have a massive crush on Skylines perhaps I can be forgiven for posting! Currently on Kangaroo Island, South Australia, this rather nice example of a GTS rolled into a roadside store where we were having lunch. Piloted by a lady driver of "senior" years and her daughter, she was quite chuffed that the car had been noticed. Coincidentally, I was in my Z forum T-shirt and we enjoyed a 10 minute chat about Zs and Skylines in general.
  4. Welcome along. Loving the wheel style (Japan Racing?) and colour, looks good against the bodywork.
  5. What an amazing write up with incredible results - and I thought mine was clean! I noticed the battery in one photo, is it the original one from new?
  6. A new door from Nissan will cost in the region of £1200. Maybe it will be a more economical repair that way? With a repair, there's always the chance that the problem will return.
  7. Loadmaster

    Hawk vs DBA

    Abbey fitted a set of Hawks to my Z last year. They bite well in daily use and also work on the Nurburgring, which is handy! It's never really occured to me, but having read comments about minimal dust, that's actually correct.
  8. Next one is October, not sure of the date but will find out. Well worth going if you're into Zeds and other Jap classics.
  9. What a great drive out. Roughly, what was your route?
  10. Morning, I wasn't sure who you were even if I could find you, plus there were a good few white Nismos there. Driving out at about 15:30 I saw V6 LCD, was that you?
  11. Thanks Martin, I couldn't go through with it. I was going to message you later but now you know!
  12. Welcome back. It might be the case with a few of us here - on the verge of selling and then can't go through with it. Only last week after three and a half years of ownership I'd agreed a preliminary deal for a 10 month old M135iX. Very capable car, bout doesn't have the driving involvement and of course the V6, of our Zeds. Needless to say, my Z is staying.
  13. Try zmanalex for some ideas there.
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