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  1. Find out any details of the car for me please......service history, any problems etc
  2. Hi mate, I enquired about the white nismo at Midwest and to be fair to the guy he did say that there were also a lot of kerbing on the wheels. I’m still on the lookout for a nismo too, my first one.
  3. With all this COVID and lockdowns I am unable to visit any garage that’s too far away and wondered if anyone in the Crewe area with a 370z can possibly give me a test drive. ?
  4. A quick question......how long does a wrap last on a car and how much does one cost and are they eat to remove ?
  5. Cheers guys, it does look nice though and I think the previous owner has spent a lot of money on this car and it’s been well looked after. Parkers have sent me a personalised video of the car. https://video.citnow.com/vts4fVdY62F
  6. Have Anyone had any dealings with Parker Prestige in North Yorkshire ? seen this one advertised:- https://www.parkerprestige.co.uk/used/nissan/370z/37-v6-344-nismo-3dr/richmond/north-yorkshire/19759900/
  7. All the trawling I’ve done and never came across that one.....and in red.....very nice.
  8. Many thanks for all your input guys.....I was thinking the same myself.....5 owners and replacement clutch and god knows whatever else. I’ll stay clear of that one.
  9. Hi guys, New to this forum and looking for my first Zed. After browsing many adverts and listings and also reading up on Zeds, I’ve come to the decision on the 370Z Nismo, notably this one I found at Midwest Performance UK Ltd, here is the link on Autotrader, also advertised on eBay and also states it has 5 owners. Autodrader link:- https://www.autotrader.co.uk/car-details/202011306634107?onesearchad=New&onesearchad=Nearly New&onesearchad=Used&sort=relevance&model=370 Z&advertising-location=at_cars&keywords=Nismo&make=NISSAN&include-delivery-option=on&postcode=cw25al&radius=1500&page=1 ebay link:- https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/2015-NISSAN-370Z-NISMO-INJEN-Exhaust-AEM-Intakes-New-Clutch-Finance-Available/324447580964?hash=item4b8a953324:g:z28AAOSwJZ5f2Kc9 If anyone can give any advice or know anything about this car, will be much appreciated, also any other knowledgeable advice to a first time Zed would be owner. Many thanks in advance guys
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