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Everything posted by prodrive11

  1. looks like everything is sold now ? or do you have any of those: louvres ? carbon bonnet? cd009 ?
  2. Yeah, I'm not going there anymore since I've got rid of stock exhaust. They failed 'stock?' McLaren 570s on static test in front of me... While ago I was black flagged in my almost stock CRX, it was hitting V-TEC just before and after last hairpin, just next to the mic lol... These days I just got Doni or Snetterton, I don't bother to do static, very relaxed on drive by, and amazing tracks. Much better than Bedford imo
  3. Why so late... Assume you've got spare cd009 to go for cheap now ? Btw. quaife or samsonas ? 😉
  4. Mate would you mind taking dimensions? im thinking of different application: IS300 alu radiator.
  5. what is is set up to atm lock wise ?
  6. Lots to ask, but... Turns out I'm stupid and I assumed V-power is as standard as in UK and Europe... Just tuned my Z at Horsham this week on RON 99 from shell, wanted to make sure I make it for the bash... Now, came all the way from ldn, and can't find shell petrol station?? Apparently they only have diesel and 95 here!!!! What??? Is there anyone with any connections to source stock 350z ECU in Ireland (best in close proximity to Mondello Park) ? I can't even express how awesome that would be!
  7. Decided to take a risk... worst case, i'll get a new engine @ the price of Greddy pan Anyways, so far so good. Did a trip to SantaPod DWYB, sent it and went back. No leaks/cracks etc. Quality seems very good, it's a heavy item (almost 3kg). Fitment is perfect, much bigger then stock, clears nicely in place.
  8. Searching whole internet so far no luck... maybe someone have it at hand ?
  9. Hi, all Torqen BBK users. I'm considering the upgrade mostly for the track use. Did anyone tracked the car with this kit , how does it hold back ? Any critical failures ? Any feedback appreciated !
  10. Anyone tried this ? ebay-link 150 quid at time of this post, it's bigger and over 2x cheaper than cast aluminium greddy... I don't care about what label stuff has, only concern is quality (it's not very critical part, +++ OEM is f*cking rusting == no quality already) If someone is running this and did + 10k miles, i'll take it
  11. I honestly just and only asked does anyone have a spec for this JR product Other than that, think it's just a good conversation, but true in wrong section haha That's some good info
  12. This is very shallow statement. would you ever consider plastic spacer ? material used and forging matters. Think there was forged Eibach PRO spacer... where others are only CNC'd shitty aluminium blocks ... (don't have exact details..). Anyways i'm running on eibach atm, they take serious beating at track/drift and holding well. But need another set, so considering this one. This is sort of spec I'm looking for...
  13. Is there any spec of those, i struggle to find anything online. Eibach has full spec available easily. Wondering how those JRs compare
  14. Anyone found good one? Brand/colour code would be appreciated ! Who supplies those to retail?
  15. Do you have this mani in CAD by any chance ?
  16. Hi mate, i'll take ori areal and black led indicators. PM sent
  17. How much for the clutch service Kit posted ?
  18. I'd pay extra for your packaging @SteveW - it's an art in itself !!
  19. 1) Payco - Datsun 510 SSS. Reg WWU 276J 2) KBAD - 350z . Reg J44SUS 3) nismoandy- 350z - WP06FNX 4) Nino - 370z - Reg. SK12 XZZ 5) Olly350z - 370z Nismo - GM16 JBX 6) Andy_Muxlow - 350Z - Reg. A20MUX 7) andy james. 350z reg AJ07 ZZZ 😎Humpy - 370z N12 SRA 9) Richn370 - 370Z CX59OKP 10) ColDel - vx220 - VK05XEU 11) davey83 - 350z - GT05ZED 12) pintopete58 350z GA53SOZ 13) Charlie Boy - 350z - AK56BYT 14) 💥Zippypooz - 350z - N44SSN💥 15) hotrain69 - 350z - NA07YTU 16) JohnI - 370Z Nismo - PA04YCO 17) Loadmaster - 370Z Nismo - RK67 DZZ 18) Pinoy-R- 350z - YT55NNO 19) Paul K - 350Z roadster - K50PTK 20) Stephanie -Grey 350z V6 SYA 21) MatthewThain - Ginge 350Z GT - FA53 FZZ 22) Jamie_T350z - 350Z GT - UK04 ZED 23) Slipstream - 370z Nismo - GX65BOH 24) Lewis Schwier - 370z Nismo - V6 LXD 26) prodrive11 - 350z - YL05XPD
  20. as in the topic, best if around london, unless you're willing to post Cheers
  21. Thanks for hint, i didn't thought of slave cylinder, I'll have to check, clutch is the same bad (it wasn't great when i got the car, main bearing is definitely up for replacement). As with power steering - i think that's a close call, as i had impression it was affected - but could be track time beating... I'll flush ATF to see for any improvements. Interesting, I actually changed gearbox and diff oils two weeks ago. But well could be cooked, i don't know what actual condition is my gearbox (shift nicely). Wondering could i overfill it (almost not possible, due to filler placement, hmm) Lol, indeed ! You got me google it, apparently 'rotten eggs' smell from propane/butane is added on purpose to detect leaks ... Nice learning everyday Can't be tyres, as it appeared this morning after 5mins in traffic... other substances you mentioned are very distinct, it's nothing like it. This is so annoying, i prefer leaks at least you can see them ...
  22. Yeah, i've seen those. Since you've put them on, i assume they fit nicely. Will get them as well. Thx for hint.
  23. I need the one with 'Z' on it ... but painted in black would be perfect. Thanks anyways mate !
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