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  1. This happened to my 350 before and I know it sounds silly but try a new set of pads - fixed it for me at least
  2. Love this - where'd you get it from if you don't mind me asking?
  3. Finally gotten around to removing the welded on spacer - had the help of my friend @J.L.engineering (on insta). We used a dremel with a carbide bit and a small chilsel to remove the welds and threw a new stud in its place. Also got the discs off to have a look at condition - overall not bad at all - no heat marks, barely any lip - however there are some stress cracks around drilled holes on the disc (not significant enough to change them yet however will keep a close eye on them) The bell for the floating disc does have some damage caused by the welding - thankfully its not enough to cause issue
  4. Found the cause of the exhaust leak - where the manifold joins to the "cats" the gasket appears to be non-existent
  5. Keeping in the carbon theme the car appears to be developing I ordered a set of carbon front wings - with my 350 I was never much a fan of vents or carbon, but the way the 370 looks to me I think it suits it much more as its less smooth and has a ton of sharp aggressive angles. I wanted it to do a clean install so ensured to make holes for the stock bumper brackets to fit straight back on and reinstalled the weather stripping. (also found the right size to get the sideskirt clips to pop in without issue ) Due to fitment on aftermarket carbon parts not being the best I did have to file down the lower part of the wing as it was contacting the door - luckily its not visible from the outside and I gave it a little black paint to hide it further when the door was open I weighed the stock wings and carbon units and I'm saving roughly 2kg per side
  6. MORE MODS - swapped out the fog light for this fancy LED unit that gives me a bright reverse light, also includes running light, brake and indicators (not one of those flashing ones as I severely dislike that kind of 4th brake light)
  7. This same week a carbon fibre duckbill I ordered turned up and I kinda love it but am still open to changing it down the line Sequential side indicators too
  8. So that week I was both unfortunate and lucky enough to find two sets of wheels I really wanted, which means my impulsivity got the better of me and I bought both sets... I intend to strip and polish whichever set is staying on the car - opinions are welcome
  9. So addressing another issue that the car came with was wheel wobble above 60 mph and in braking. Took the z for a wheel balancing to hopefully narrow down the issue and by god did we find the issue (as well as some fun extra issues) The primary cause of my wobbly wheel is the state of the wheel that was on the car - it was buckled - great excuse to buy a shiny set I guess But it would've been naïve to believe that was the end of my woes as it was found that every spacer was missing at least one nut, with multiple cross threaded studs and the passenger side front spacer had been WELDED ONTO THE BOLT all of the techs in the shop and myself were gathered round to have a look at the pure ridiculousness of it
  10. The third brake light no longer fit in the Seibon boot, so I removed the bracket, crimped on the connectors with longer cables, used goo gone to remove the residue and used tint spray to make it fit the carbon boot a tad more
  11. In the short time I owned the car before buying this next mod the hatches paint had a ton of defects and a badly covered spoiler holes and rear wiper hole. Luckily, this came up used on ebay. Called around local companies to swap the glass over. A genuine Seibon Carbon boot was not something I expected this soon into the build but I'm happy to have it - it's significantly lighter than the stock unit and a tad cooler looking
  12. Time for mods! First up is still my favourite mod to this day as it modernises the interior, has apple carplay, retains steering controls and above all else - is massive This is the AuTech 13.6" Tesla style screen. It was completely plug and play however if you do this yourself I'd recommend extending the earth strap for easier install.
  13. The next issue is a random/multiple misfire. So the z received a new set of plugs and coils . See the difference between the two 😮. I realised a good point of the Stillen plenum, lots of access to the coil packs and plugs without having to remove it
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