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About Cleon73

  • Birthday 08/08/1973


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  1. Wow, beautiful car, nice one, I didn't even know this colour existed, might have to look into that, welcome to OC
  2. Beautiful car, great colour!! Welcome
  3. Mate you're 39,that's too young for a MLC, lol, I'm 47 and looking to get my first 350z early next year, that's a MLC, lol, after a couple of brand new Audis I've decided it's time to get a fun car with character and style, hence 350! Although the A5 blackedition I had was a great car! I'm newer to forum than you, but welcome anyway, ha ha
  4. Cleon73

    Boot Size

    Where there's a will, and all that!! Lol
  5. Cleon73

    Boot Size

    Only thinking one golf bag, so potentially fit trolley in boot too. Thanks fellas!!
  6. Cleon73

    Boot Size

    here's a question that will make all your V6s splutter, how big is the boot, will it fit a golf bag and trolley, hope this didn't make you all choke, lol, could actually be a deal breaker for me as the only reason I need a car is for golf, oterwise I'd stick to my motorbike, but hey, if I've gotta have a car, might aswell make it a good un!!!!! 350z all the way, hopefully, if the boot is big enough! Lol
  7. That would have been great, unfortunately I have to work, :(, cheers anyway, have a gud un!!
  8. Amazing looking car, great work mate, and Azure blue, seem to be hard to find but it's the colour I'm after too, one day. Lol. Keep up the good work, interesting post, I'll be looking through it again when I get mine next year
  9. Thanks, I've always wanted a V engined car, 350 looks and sounds amazing, just got lots of research to do now, as don't know a great deal about the cars
  10. Thanks for support and advice, I assume there's a 'cars for sale area on here, I'll find it if there is, lol. Will be looking for a standard car, to mod myself, it'll be a long project, but looking forward too it and getting a little excited now, ha ha
  11. thanks, won't be buying until aprox march next year, when PCP is up on current car, looking for a blue one, not easy to find, most seem to be silver, which is beautiful, but not what I want, hoping to be able to mod it too, not sure what too look for, buying problems and such, doing some research on internet!
  12. hi, Dave, from Wolverhampton here. New to forum, planning on buying a 350z next year, and looking for advice and tips on buying and running one, any help would be appreciated, thanks in advance!!!!
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