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Everything posted by Azurez33

  1. Check that the pipe with the maf is sealed properly, otherwise you’ll be getting un metered air so the car will idle higher and also be lumpy cause it can’t match the air it’s getting cause it’s not calculating it properly if you don’t want to remove it again, can spray some brake cleaner around it whilst it running and see if it revs up ( try not to spray near the filter or it’ll Rev anyway ) 👍🏼
  2. 1. Stutopia x2 2. Kev T x1 3. Harrison140 x1 4. andy James x1 5. HEADPHONES 6: Azurez33
  3. Honestly all three I got printed look amazing! Andy does an absolutely brilliant job! when the 7 is up and presentable I will be getting to do that too! 😂
  4. So got a couple of the @Andy_Muxlow shoot in a1 print and they look absolutely amazing! if you give him a shout he will sort you out! also to those of you who know…. This is how far I’ve got with the 7 😂
  5. Someone must need this? willing to listen to offers?
  6. I know Paul I’m shocked tbh, it’s not like it’s even a niche item 🤔
  7. Had this beauty in today for its mot! Good thing it’s clean as hell! Passed with flying colours! @Jamah_zed
  8. For my sanity **** fitting tyres in them!
  9. When you say plugs and coils are fine how were they checked? if the cars not running at all, your either getting no fuel or no spark and maybe no air- I doubt it’s air unless you’ve got a rag and n the intake, doubt it’s timing otherwise it would log a code with cam or crank sensors - so realistically something mechanical or something else is doing it’s job properly, like mentioned NATS can be an absolute paint and cause this issue, you need to be certain you’re getting spark and fuel to eliminate this
  10. A bit vague, also will be worth getting a diag san on it as it will have most likely logged a code, start there a come up with a diag plan
  11. At work we buy the sets which will more than certainly have the style or type of clips you require here, they run different edges, thickness, fitment style, Center bore width and arms. If you go to your local spurious parts suppliers ie auto stores euros they will sell the big multiple boxes, I’ve done numerous Zs and had the clips needed, will see if I can get the box number for you whilst at work today
  12. So as much I was planning n coming to this in the race golf, I now have to remove the 7s Doritos machine and take it down to Essex so unfortunately I won’t be making this one 😢
  13. It’s still here I can’t believe nobody wants this at the price, if you’re questioning it’s genuine I can put you in touch with Chris at tarmac sportz
  14. I bought literally what Coz has described here! Was really good quality top of the field and a really good kit however, if you’re changing your flywheel (you should) you’ll have a softer and nicer clutch by sticking to the dual mass however - dual mass flywheels have such a high fail rate you’d be wise to get rid of it whilst doing it as it’ll be a silly way to waste the clutch when it shits itself! you can always go for a clutch kit with a fairly Oem clamping force, replace the clutch slave whilst you are there and replace and bleed the fluid!
  15. Get somewhere to diag scan it so you know where the issue roughly is then go from there, could a simple fix like a WSS gone down but check first, You could just do the srs reset before the mot then address the issue later if you want to save money and store it, the diag san should do a full system sweep so you’ll get rough answers then.
  16. I am still surprised this is here with how clean and well maintained it is!
  17. Sorry davey mines come through a bit weird, if you can find one let me know so I can ask him how he got there 😂 I’d like to also laugh how my previous statement has been copied in everytime someone else is coming 😂
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