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Everything posted by Azurez33

  1. Top one looks potentially to be heating mirrors or folding and other one could be a valet switch
  2. Thanks glen I believe they are different fit to De aren’t they? Talk about sniping mate, but it won’t fit mine I don’t think anyway so you’re alright
  3. How much do Zunsport front grille’s go for secondhand and does anyone have one they want to part with? or know of any alternatives, I know you can buy sheets however the sharp edges they leave once cut are less than welcome and I don’t really want to spend £85 haha
  4. Hmm interesting, could be a belt pulley potentially, ruled out wheel bearing with description, is there a change with temperature? like mornings cold etc
  5. does it do it on idle? or have to be driving? have you had a look at power steering fluid? Zs are common for steering pumps/ racks because of well you know why, is it literally like some vibrating? Or more of a rumble? Could also be potentially looking at a pulley of sorts
  6. I did mine the other week, I’m definite not a weak guy I had to have another mechanic hold on to the mole grips and I had some large water pump pliers and even then it was hard, one of my other mates did it easy as can be with some pliers depends on how lucky you are
  7. Azurez33


    I have some with good tyres on and in good condition, will take some pictures for you
  8. Yeah granted sometimes they’re easy but on the older ones they can be absolute buggers even on a ramp with an axle stand underneath, had a couple from experience which are easy and other which aren’t aha
  9. Hi mate loving the colour! looks good! lower balljoints pain in the ass
  10. Thanks for the info guys!
  11. Just a quick addition to the appreciation for Tarmac Sportz! ordered a Mishimoto fan shroud because mine is currently dying, unfortunately Tarmac are waiting on stock from Mishimoto Uk and wont receive any till end of October so George updated me instantly and then after a day or two tried his absolute best to help me but in the end I needed to order them ASAP, Thanks for the help George and team always really good customer service!
  12. I’ll be first to add my spoon to the stew.... really do not like the look of the 400z, I like the wheels but it looks like a ford mixed with a jaguar , however I do like the look of the heritage rear lights from the ZX,
  13. Cheers for the response guys, I was just curious it doesn’t really bother me as already mentioned it’s petty un-noticeable gains and if I really wanted improvements I’d supercharge it, i did have a look around the forum quickly but just wondered if anyone had something similar build wise, I will probably end up going to Horsham developments at some point,
  14. Depends on your price range, I got the epman billet arms with upgraded bushes which were alright but had to make some extra fabricated spaces on ball joints so they fit, it would be easy to swap those bushes out of those arms plus they look pretty if you’re a slut for looks
  15. You can always use gorilla tape but wouldn’t trust it on that thin piece, you could always measure a bit of plastic the exact size you want, screw it into the grille then use proper number plate tape to fix the plate to the plastic?
  16. Hi Team, was wondering if anyone has some helpful insight to numbers on the dyno with modifications I’ve made on my shed, Got a 05 DE, Jwt pop charger, tarmac sport. Cats, tarmac sports plenum spacer, cobra 3” y piece, AAM competition single exit, Just wanted some estimates from people have similar builds or better knowledge. I have suspicion of a lightened flywheel and uprated clutch Thanks in advance Much love azure
  17. Worst thing about the “build” is it’s tarnishing people who love jap with the vee dub logic.... get a moderately old car, spend £3k on wheels, slam it on air change the exhaust.... my “build” is ready, there isn’t enough room to sigh on this one
  18. Get the garage to replace the plugs and ask them to check how clean they are/ any oil leakages, we at work have test lights so we can check whether the pencil coils are working properly
  19. A little bit of oil on top of the cam cover might be just from where the mechanic spilled some oil, might need to look further to see if it’s been leaking? Are you fairly handy? air so might be worth taking some of the coils off the n/s that’s where my cam cover gasket was leaking oil into the tubes, did they Change the spark plugs on that service?
  20. You’d be surprised with the hole in the flexi but yes probably won’t cause your symptoms, when did you last have it fully serviced? is the cam cover leaking oil? potentially could be the pencil coils a few might be gone
  21. Azurez33


    Selector forks, could be the detents or shift lock would need to send it off for a recon to be sure
  22. Unrelated question, is there a video anywhere of you wearing something similar doing the headlights? Asking for a friend
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