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Everything posted by Azurez33

  1. It’s sams with the carbon wrap 😂
  2. Another lovely number in today! shame I haven’t got one in for tomorrow 😂
  3. Wasted on me mate just a Ford in my eyes, prefer the sapphire we had in Monday
  4. Might be a wire break in the door joint, had this before and it would operate my door locks 😂
  5. Had this lovely looking Chilly red in today! Thought it was nice looking and sounded nice, blokes just bought it and it’s a shed 😭 we’re going to do the best to give him a nice car once it’s Done!
  6. Thanks Andy for sorting it out and organising! we will try and get more Z involved 😂
  7. Was a good day despite the weather being on and off, 7s first public appearance for a show, was good haha
  8. I miss my Z 😭 shame it’s dying somewhere failed mot
  9. So I have a question- what would we prefer the paper to say? “ I identify as a 350z” Or “had to bring the daily because the Zs on the shop” I’m half tempted to put a Tommy kaira badge on it too 😂
  10. Sorry this one - tired and didn’t check
  11. That’s the front w brace available from tarmac sportz
  12. 1. andy James x1 ticket PAID. track time TBA 2. Monkey1983 x1 ticket PAID no track 3. Coz@TORQEN - 1 x Ticket PAID, no track time 4. Jamah_Zed x1 ticket PAID, No track time 5. Harrm x1 PAID 6.Humpy - 1 X Ticket PAID and no track time 7. PhilT x1 ticket PAID, plus Julie 8. Harvers x 1 ticket PAID Track time 10:45 9. BiggieJDM x 1 ticket PAID No track time (yet) 10. Tiffy350z x1 ticket PAID no track time 11. steven.b x1 ticket PAID, track time 13.00 12. Monkey Nuts x1 ticket PAID, Track time 12.00 13. MicktZZZ x1 ticket PAID, no track this year 14. Olly350z + 1 ticket PAID, no track time 15. Killick.z x1 ticket PAID, no track time 16. Ben350 x1 ticket PAID, no track time (might noise test car and add later) 17. Lewis Schwier x1 PAID 18. ShortPaul x 1 PAID 19. SHEZZA x 1 PAID 20. Azurez33 Paid (in an undercover Z)
  13. Personally, and I say this with a professional opinion also, if you have something like this and it’s saying you have low oil pressure then that means somewhere in the engine isn’t going to be getting its oil…. don’t leave it down to chance, like the others say just go for a different one if you’re not willing to take the risk
  14. It’s all depends, but realistically you should never drive something at all with low oil pressure, let alone something like this. The main questions I’d be asking is exactly how long ago did the low oil pressure start occurring - this must have been going on for atleast a fair while. Secondary what’s the service history like? if the service history is on point and it hasn’t been driven far or hard you might be alright- if it’s been ages and driven loads I’d personally avoid it. Your main issue is information - you’d both be best to meet in the middle on price if you are willing to buy it and just suck it up if worst comes to worse- but depending on mileage be prepared for worst case scenario
  15. Excuse me one of those pics is upside down 😂 also make your bloody mind up 😂
  16. I’ve asked this before and also no you are not new hurry up and get it on the build section 😂
  17. Thanks Sam I was just about to do a post- I am looking for two spare or unused tickets whether it be club or general entry as on Facebook there’s too many scammers I just can’t afford a scam right by now
  18. Was just about say they above was American 😂
  19. Urm…. Ewww this is just nasty only kidding flawless as always
  20. You’re not alone haha! I think the other thing is it’s not just the masses saying this is the best one go for this, it’s industry tried and tested. I will get one in the future but for now have to do with what I’ve got! yeah they seem really popular, I’d say fairly priced, not sure about functionality over similar products, not sure if the “hex” is more of a gimmick rather than a purpose, I’ve always wondered if it was channeling to spread product as opposed to other brands more surface contact? yeah I think I did too tbh! but now I have a fancy brush for cleaning my pads 😂😂😂 I think the brush will be more useful than the spray- again it states it helps soften any product left over and reduce damage to your pad - whether there’s any truth I don’t know! yeab really does come through much better! Got to spend some more time on it though but it’s not a necessity haha! I think best way to learn is by time on the equipment, and painful as it may be making mistakes along the way, there’s hundreds of people who say do this do that but the functionalities stay the same 😂
  21. Seems like you’ve already got the low down from one of the pros! I too have been on a journey for knowledge and to get better at detailing like the pros, I’ve found like everything you’re never happy enough 😂 Always wanted a rupes nano foot, they are meant to be one of the best! I’ve got the poorboys da and seems to do the job, paired it up with a range of hex logic pads and they work pretty well for me! ive never tried washing the sponges with hot soapy water 😂 I’m always scared of washing up liquid unless doing a full reset! I bought the chemical brothers pad cleaning compound and brush, maybe I just wanted to pay them money 😂 Like illogical said just go easy on the carbon, I just go in the middle of the compound ranks if it doesn’t remove the imperfections carefully move up the scale 😂 this was before and after a couple of passes, think like the man said the top coat is a lot softer than on car paint
  22. This is still nicer than the mk7 golf forum or the civic 😂 some poor kid asks what oil to use and the abuse starts!
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