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Everything posted by Azurez33

  1. Just prefer the driver experience, not keen on some of these newer cars drive you rather than vice versa, but can Defintely see the appeal
  2. I love the look of them but I feel I prefer the 350 if I’m honest
  3. This is just beautiful and hard to find in such quality! good luck with sale mate
  4. It’s only sexual if you make it sexual 😂 I always have to get the polisher for the inside of mine because it’s filthy 😂
  5. Either that or I’ll have the agency power and you can have my aam competition 😂
  6. It took me ages to find my single and it was the only one I saw in 5months of looking mainly because the majority of single exits come from America, I think in reality you’re quite lucky as torqen and tarmac both offer single exits new for a decent price! mine costed similar second hand, just keep looking either that or you’ll just need to buy in bits mate
  7. Likewise mate, Defintely some good photo ops there! I look forward to seeing yours maybe next time! Until we meet again 👍🏼
  8. Haha thanks Andy, the artist is really talented and I really love the style just a shame about the lights and bollards haha!
  9. Finally some nicer picture opportunities round my neck of the woods have arised! Also met another chap with a nice z who works the security for said location!
  10. I feel all has been said here…. but majority of these reviews come from people who jump in drive for a little bit then get back to their hot hatches of the new age and complain about what was “hip” back in the day 😂
  11. The problem with all this info mate is how it actually translates into what we do, it’s very easy to misconstrue the way they word things, we see this a lot at work with mots, This particular extract I’ve read a fair few times in the recent months and in actuality is not as bad as it seems, because everything’s about saving the planet it’s mainly related to emissions and the autonomous systems used to regulate them especially diesels- egr blanking, dpf deleting, decats, hollowing cats etc but tbh this is all stuff which is illegal/ catchable through mot, how much further this spreads into what we do is the grey area however, but also with this new tech such as teslas with autopilot ( which I’m pretty sure isn’t actually legal to currently use in our country as it’s not been safety regulated for use on the road” I think they are basically saying you can’t **** around with these sorts of vehicles etc
  12. Welcome back, guess the cars must be doing something right for people to return aha
  13. That’s some lovely cars for your collection aside from the Range Rover 😉 atleast its a proper one! But I understand the drive ability of them is just so comfy and utilities. Good choice for the 350 though a great project and also a beast on the track! You’re in good hands here mate. Look forward to seeing some updates
  14. Yeah it shouldn’t be that bloody high! if you say the lambdas are reading well, second lambda does seem a little high, have you changed your spark plugs also? From an outsider almost looks like they’re decats 😂 Does it run lumpy at all?
  15. Wanted, fairly decent condition de headlights, going to be sending them off to Dan the headlight man for an upgrade so don’t want to be paying too much as it’ll already cost enough, I have spoken to zmanalex already
  16. I can send more if needed 😂 I promise no fruit or any monkey business?
  17. @ZMANALEX is the Haynes manual or he atleast wrote it aha
  18. Some really good shots there Andy, looks great!
  19. Do you know what the live data was? best way to check for cat integrity is to check the post cat lambda isn’t switching like the pre cat sensor should be nice and steady at 0.45v. Another thing might be worth keeping in mind how’s your spark plugs doing? if you’ve got no exhaust leaks or intake leaks- get someone to check the live data, what fuel do you use? How often do you use it? did you get them red hot before the test? Or did the tester?we have a girl at work same problem every year it’s a pain to get through, use a cataclean give it a long run and gets through pretty close every year
  20. No mate staying like this as it works into the decal/ graphic I’ve got designed, but thanks I love it too haha
  21. Welcome mate, get a few of these one into work and it’s surprising how much spec they have on them standard
  22. Caffeine and machine today- it was bloody freezing! There was a few nice cars, a 350 and a 70 but a lot of other “interesting” stuff
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