The problem with all this info mate is how it actually translates into what we do, it’s very easy to misconstrue the way they word things, we see this a lot at work with mots,
This particular extract I’ve read a fair few times in the recent months and in actuality is not as bad as it seems, because everything’s about saving the planet it’s mainly related to emissions and the autonomous systems used to regulate them especially diesels- egr blanking, dpf deleting, decats, hollowing cats etc but tbh this is all stuff which is illegal/ catchable through mot, how much further this spreads into what we do is the grey area however, but also with this new tech such as teslas with autopilot ( which I’m pretty sure isn’t actually legal to currently use in our country as it’s not been safety regulated for use on the road” I think they are basically saying you can’t **** around with these sorts of vehicles etc