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    West Midlands

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  1. looking good, good luck with the restore!
  2. Hi guys, Just thought I would drop a review on this item to help any of you that are thinking about upgrading. Before I got it I was uncertain which one to go for, thankfully I chose this and I do not regret it at all. If you want to improve the stock clutch then go xtreme! Honestly made the car feel like a new beast, instant torque and smooth delivery all the way to 7500 rpm. I upgraded to the single mass flywheel knowing that there would be a 'clatter noise' however its much quieter than expected, with the radio on and windows up you cannot hear it at all. Highly recommended you wont be disappointed!! Take care everyone!
  3. Hello everyone, not long had my 350z HR and just wanted to introduce it. I have future plans for my car and I hope to share its journey with everyone. I have also started an Instagram account if you would like to check it out. @chris.350zhr
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