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Woking, Surrey
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Yeah lewis’s car sure does look great. Unfortunately a little out of my budget I was looking at these ones: https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/203122852719 https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/184526055399 Im sure a few more are going to pop up as we go into christmas/new year. I just want one nowwww. Still need to test drive one but its everything i want in a car.
Probably last pics of my car before i get my 350z. Its nice when one of your mates is a professional photographer!
Afternoon everyone! I have been a member on here for a little while, originally wanting a 370z but not able to afford it at my age and pay packet. So I have just put my 2010 Mazda 3 MPS running around 315bhp up on ebay, i’ve added a link incase anyone was interested. http://rover.ebay.com/rover/1/710-53481-19255-0/1?icep_ff3=2&pub=5575378759&campid=5338273189&customid=&icep_item=393019226438&ipn=psmain&icep_vectorid=229508&kwid=902099&mtid=824&kw=lg&toolid=11111 I’ve always loved the zeds and now i think its a perfect time to get one. I have been looking around for the last week and I really want a 2007 or after as it has the newer VQ and more HP. I really only have about £6,500 to spend and haven’t seen any of the later models on that price band so i may have to settle for a 2005 or 2006. Is anyone thinking about selling at the moment or in December/January time? Looking forward to joining the club officially and can’t wait to own my first zed. Thanks
Yeah im gonna pass on that widebody 370. Its too ridiculous for me. Yeah ive read that GTRs are going down in price so sit and wait. Who knows how long we will be in this lockdown
Wow a year.... thats a long time. I do like the look of it and all that but I want to tied down to it if I want to sell it. Thanks mate
So are you saying this build is not up to the best quality? Would it be wiser not to buy this one? This is sort of the build i would want to go for but could never afford... maybe not a few bits like the spoiler but a widebody its very JDM. I dont have the most knowledge on 370s or this car so if you boys think its wiser for me not to get this then i will listen
So its a clean example or i should avoid? What was it like in person?
Thanks mate, I will be avoiding them then. If someone can drop me their email, I have received an email from a seller with his car that he is selling, and I would like your opinion. Thanks everyone
Any thought on this one? https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/2010-Nissan-370-Z-3-7-GT-3dr/274313424659?hash=item3fde5aaf13:g:xlsAAOSwogZedair
Thank you guys for that information. I still need to wait for my Mazda to sell and its making it harder with this virus going on. Hope your all keeping safe and appreciate the help. Is there also a buying guide for the 370? Like what to look out for or issues that should have been fixed?
Im guessing its sold now. I cant see it either. It was a widebody 370z on air ride... got snapped up quick
https://rover.ebay.com/rover/0/0/0?mpre=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.co.uk%2Fulk%2Fitm%2F264713305160 anyone know anything about this 370?
Thanks for the reply boys. Something more... well for me that is moving away from the hatchback stuff. Something with better body lines, more heritage, more power, something more grown up i guess. So i’ve ended up with the 370z because i love the look, the VQ is a quality engine as i said before its a beautiful car and to me its the last modern old school JDM. I have always loved the 350 but i wasn’t quite convinced with it unlike the 370. I know thats what i want. I am happy to wait for the right one to pop up. Will be selling my MPS in the next few weeks so may have to pick up a stop gap car while I wait for the right Zed to come along. Definitely want the rev matching. Didn’t realise the link i sent was a base model. I guess I will be looking at the GT. Thanksss
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Hi Everyone, I currently drive a 2010 Mazda 3 MPS (300 bhp). Love the car, but had a buyer message me last week. Its not that I am getting bored of it, I just want something more.... And I think the 370z is it! I have read a few bits, but I was wondering if there is a guide to picking the best one? I have seen a 350 but not a 370 guide. Or things I have to look out for when purchasing? I saw that cars made after 2012 were the ones to go for? I am looking to spend £10k - £13k and ideally would like an exhaust set up as well as some body modifications already done (front lip, springs, ducktail or nismo spoiler, Exhaust etc. This is the one I have been looking at: https://www.autotrader.co.uk/classified/advert/202001196333279?year-from=2012&sort=price-asc&make=NISSAN&radius=1500&postcode=gu249qr&advertising-location=at_cars&model=370 Z&onesearchad=New&onesearchad=Nearly New&onesearchad=Used&page=1 Looking forward to joining. Thanks, Taylor