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  1. Hi all, I finally took delivery of the R34 on December 24th and immediately went on a roadtrip to the Mt Fuji, Fuji five lakes area. Coilover, arms and wheels are here waiting to be installed - hopefully this weekend - then it's off for my third alignment in a year. It needs some work, but hey, that's to be expected. I appreciate the kind words on the Z. It was a great car and I'm fairly gutted I got rid of it but the space and the admin of keeping one car, let alone a second, is just too much of a pain for me right now. It's gonna be a little while until I take it to the track, I'm guessing around the middle of the year we should be good. Enjoy some pics of it in it's current unmolested state! lol - seriously lucked out on the plate. They're randomly generated as far as I know.
  2. Thanks Luigi! It's crazy the amount of places which are deserted because of the covid situation. Cheers pal! You could probably say that Gran Turismo has played an important role in taking me here. I'll update with my Skyline as soon as I get it!
  3. Hahaha - unfortunately, yeah. I don't know what good it will be starting my new car build here. Although, I'll probably link this to my new thread on the new forum. No idea what the Skyline bunch are like though. Oooffff, I can't say I've seen one. I sometimes see Hakosukas or Kenmeris (see pic below). TOOO MANY! my IG page still gets updated: @gohashiriya - surprise surprise. Cheers for the compliment!
  4. Hi all, Sorry it's been a while. I was hoping to update this post sharing pics of my new car. As msitpro said, the return to the track was not kind on the engine. Probably back in August now, I visited the track and put a few laps down only to start hearing a knocking sound at high revs under load - I couldn't replicate it at a standstill. I figured my engine was finally knackered, particularly given the oil pressure woes I had been facing. Anyhow, I toyed with the idea of getting it replaced - which was the most financially viable option - but in the end decided to bite the bullet and buy a Skyline R34 GTT, just as prices for these were rocketing. The Z was afantastic car for the short amount of time I had it but it needed work - as all cars like this do - and I just figured, before I go all in on it I may as well get my dream JDM sports car. I wanted to keep the Z but it was just a bit of a nuisance owning 2 cars in the short-term, whilst my landlord charges me around £50 p/month p/car to park it. Not to mention it would have probably sat there for about 6 months whilst I worked on the Skyline. Anyhow, I'll post some pictures of the new car when it finally arrives (in the next couple of weeks). Here's a few I never got round to posting!
  5. How did you get on with this? I have some rusting on the underside. Not as bad as your example but it is in similar locations.
  6. This weekend I took the car 300km north to see some family. Dropped by one of my favourite spots for the first time by car, enjoy the pic! I'm gonna try and fix a few niggly issues this month and should return to the track in a couple of weeks. Has anyone here suffered from a noisy AC condenser before? I'm gonna guess the pulley is on its way out.
  7. Thanks Luigi, it's Nagoya, Japan. Lots of race tracks in this area too if you're ever to visit. Thank youu! Hell to arch gaps! Seriously though, check camber as well because I was considering an offset of +5 before my alignment, it's +15 currently. Chunky tyres will mask some arch gap too
  8. Almost! Should be back at the track at the end of the month. I want to get a roadtrip into the mountains in before potentially stacking it again. Cheers pal
  9. Further update: today i managed to install the wing, a couple of new door hinges and the bumper; which takes the mend to near completion. I still need to get the chassis brace and probably a power steering cooler of some kind. I've noticed it now rubs a tiny bit. I was too tired to figure out which corner it's rubbing on but I did manage to take some pics with my new camera (which i don't really know how to use, so excuse the ISO).
  10. Me too - the weather is bloody lovely at the moment and I'm dying to get back out there. Cheers for the support - damn expensive, yes. But incredibly fun!
  11. Just an update: on the weekend i managed to swap out my core support, noticed my radiator is bent but not leaking - so all fine. The dreadful OEM PS cooler took a hit too, it's something I've been meaning to replace since I noticed it boiling over at the track. Got an alignment today, make of it what you will. the specs seem fine to me bar the wanky caster (I have whiteline comp arm bushes): Before: FL Camber -2.13 / FR Camber -2.20 FL Caster 8.40 / FR Caster 8.05 FL Toe 0 / FR Toe -1.0 RL Camber -2.47 / -2.49 RR Camber RL Toe 1.0 / RR Toe 1.6 After: FL Camber -2.14 / FR Camber -2.22 FL Caster 8.40 / FR Caster 8.05 FL Toe 0 / FR Toe 0 RL Camber -2.16 / -2.16 RR Camber RL Toe 0.5 / RR Toe 0.5 Bear in mind that inbetween I had the compression arm bushings done and I d*cked around with the suspension height. I think the front strut bushings are on their way out which could impact the camber values. I've got the new fender ready to go on and just bought a bumper. I was looking at getting the ultra racing rear chassis brace because mine took a beating but the bumper was a whopping £500 so I'll need to hold off until next month. Oh year, my DSLR died on me also.
  12. Real nice man! It's nice to see a good G35 in the UK
  13. Cheers pal! Ordered today: Wing (in white - hopefully it matches, it was about £30 regardless) Core Support Undertray set Quick Release Bumper Clip (whilst i source a good bumper) Next week I'll get fixings, PS fluid, etc and update here on how the alignment goes. An angle kit would would be awesome but it won't pass the MOT here.
  14. Thanks for this, I see what you mean. I'm also considering getting one of those front bars but it seems a bit extreme for me - I still want the car to look pleasant. Unfortunately the shipping would be a pain with the one for sale here, otherwise it would entirely be an option. I'll check the local auction sites for options.
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