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  1. Now fixed faulty crank sensor Thanks to Torqen for a speedy delivery
  2. Hi thanks for the link I’ve read through it, after a bit more digging last night I found a stored code. p0725 tramission speed sensor. No other codes and no engine light on, tho occasionally it flashes 3 or 4 times then goes off. No code tho.
  3. As the title i just bought the car as an unknown tbf. So it has a stillen supercharger on it with modified intakes and no maf sensors. Ecutek map with 3 different maps unsure as to what's what atm. Upgraded intercooler, upgraded oil cooler, upgraded transmission cooler. Oh and it's an auto which doesn't help when it decides to cut out. So to start with i thought it was low fuel as i only had a range of 50 miles or so, So filled it up and all seemed good. Until today when it cut out with a full tank not only once bt a few times. Also it can cut in and out whilst changing gear and sometimes catches and cough's into life. The other time it does it is when sitting still for like 30 sec's it just drops the rpm a little then dies. One other thing there is a small smell of coolant and i read somewhere, if there's a leak it can cause this problem. Not sure how true that is tho. So car was originally mapped at Horsham development's where i believe it made close to 500hp @ fly. How ever they won't tell me much due to data protection of the original owner. I've tried it on all of the maps and each one let's it die at some point. Any help would be much appreciated. Regards Pete
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