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About Tauvp

  • Birthday 22/01/1987


  • Location
    Milton Keynes

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Tauvp's Achievements

Z Hopeful

Z Hopeful (2/7)



  1. 1. andy James. 1x club ticket Tracktime 09.40 2. Andy_Muxlow. 1 x club ticket. 3. Neil mcnab, 1 X club ticket Tracktime 15.40 4. Tauvp, 1 x club ticket
  2. 1. davey_83 2. pintopete58 3. George1966 4. Rhysos 5. Headphones 6. Monkey1983 7. budbongo 8. SHEZZA 9. Justthejedi 10. V1H 11. Andy_Muxlow 12. The Bounty Bar Kid 13. Coz@TORQEN 14. Lewis Schwier 15. Tauvp
  3. I’m very much looking forward to this! 1. davey_83 2. tauvp
  4. 1) davey_83 2) Justthejedi 3) MattJ 4) Phil T + Jules 5) Andy_Muxlow 6) SHEZZA 7) Monkey1983 8. HEADPHONES 9. StormtrooperZ 10.Azurez33 +1 11) tauvp Now that my car passed it’s MOT today, I can confirm my attendance!
  5. 1. andy james Paid 2. Zelda Paid (11:20 track) 3. George 1966 Paid 4. Andy_Muxlow Paid 5. Buster- paid 6. nismoandy -paid 7. SamTripp52 8. DAZ8235 - Paid 9. JonLonghorne99 - Paid 10. SuiSid - Paid 11. LAB99 - Paid 12. Millicano - Paid 13.Sebastian PAID (Track 10:20, 12:20, 14:20) 14. SHEZZA - Paid 15. MicktZZZ - Paid (just once on track at 12:20) 16. Monkey1983 - Paid 17. DrMurderDeath - Paid 18. SH23 - Paid 19. Azurez33 & +1 - Paid 20. Harrm +1 paid 21. Marcos +1 paid 22. Paul_K Paid 23. TommZ +1 Paid 24. StormtrooperZ +1 Paid 25. tauvp Paid
  6. Annoyingly, the link to the ebay listing doesn't exist anymore! What should I be looking out for to find bulbs that do not need resistors to avoid the hyper-flash?
  7. Didn't take you long Pete! Welcome back! Car's looking good.
  8. Finally confirmed I can the day off work! 1) Payco - Datsun 510 SSS. Reg WWU 276J 2) KBAD - 350z . Reg J44SUS 3) nismoandy- 350z - WP06FNX 4) Nino - 370z - Reg. SK12 XZZ 5) Olly350z - 370z Nismo - GM16 JBX 6) Andy_Muxlow - 350Z - Reg. A20MUX 7) andy james. 350z reg AJ07 ZZZ 😎Humpy - 370z N12 SRA 9) Richn370 - 370Z CX59OKP 10) ColDel - vx220 - VK05XEU 11) davey83 - 350z - GT05ZED 12) pintopete58 350z GA53SOZ 13) Charlie Boy - 350z - AK56BYT 14) 💥Zippypooz - 350z - N44SSN💥 15) hotrain69 - 350z - NA07YTU 16) JohnI - 370Z Nismo - PA04YCO 17) Loadmaster - 370Z Nismo - RK67 DZZ 18) Pinoy-R- 350z - YT55NNO 19) 20) Stephanie -Grey 350z V6 SYA 21) MatthewThain - Ginge 350Z GT - FA53 FZZ 22) Jamie_T350z - 350Z GT - UK04 ZED 23) Slipstream - 370z Nismo - GX65BOH 24) Lewis Schwier - 370z Nismo - V6 LXD 25) Shezza - 350z - B9 MAS 26) prodrive11 - 350z - YL05XPD 27) Sebastian - 350z - PR02 SEB 28) Shane - 370z Nismo - V6 XSK 29) ZaneDylan - 350z - G2 DYH 30) sk08rad - 370z Nismo - sk08rad 31) hmale4yu - 370z Nismo Mk2 - NN18 SMO 32) Jinshim - 370z - N16 YUL 33) ShortPaul - 370z Nismo - W4 PLH 34) tauvp - 350z -t4 uvp
  9. 1) davey_83 - lunch 2) Andy_Muxlow - lunch. 3) tauvp - lunch
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