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About Tayl

  • Birthday 15/05/1986


  • Location
    Coventry, West Midlands

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Z Newbie

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  1. hey all, So due to the massive raise in car crime in the city i live in lately I've been contemplating getting both of my cars fitted with vehicle trackers. Surprised to say, when I enquire with my car insurer they actually offer near to no help on recommendations. Anyone one here recently looked into this and gone ahead with it? Able to recommend a service that you currently use on your cars? A friend of mine has one with some small company and they have an app you can track your car with yourself and this appeals but the company and setup itself offered by them doesn't. Looking for something a bit more professional. Not overly bothered by a monthly subscription as I know most only come with paying for this. Or is there anything stand alone that anyone uses? A bit of a do it yourself sort of thing? Anyone able to offer any help? Regards, James.
  2. Hey bud. Where abouts exactly are you located? As I'm trying to see how much distance it would be to pick them up if I considered them. What's the asking price if collected?
  3. Hey all, I'm looking for a full set of black alloys, be them Ray's or aftermarket (quite like the look of Bola style wheels). All wheels are to be straight/not buckled and preferably minimal to no damage (curbing etc). If possible, an adequate set of tyres on them would be preferred too (not massively bothered about brand of tyre as long as they have some tread left on them and have no cracking/uneven wear). Regards, James.
  4. Hey Zmanalex, Are you able to give me a price on the gearbox and delivery to Coventry please buddy? What mileage has the gearbox done? Also, how much is the overhaul kit? Regards, James.
  5. Hey all, So as well as nearing the time for a new clutch (which I already have in the pipe line), I'm now told that a new noise which has developed could be a bearing failure in the gearbox. Either resulting in paying for a rebuild or sourcing a replacement gearbox. Anyone got a 6 speed gearbox for a 54 plate DE that's half decent laying around for a fair price? Ideally as near to Coventry/ Birmingham as possible. Regards, James
  6. Ah ok thanks ShortPaul. I had done a forum search prior to posting but I had well over 12 pages of results, none of which seemed to match what I'd searched for, or even related to the key question in general. Looked through all the sections I thought it would of been within but didn't see it. Had looked in the guide section (with you stating it's at the bottom of the second page that's probably why lol). Thanks for the help and direction of post. Much appreciated! Regards, James.
  7. Hey all, The main key I have for the Z I recently bought is about as done as a piece of beef at a Hungry Horse. The unlock button is worn down near to the point of pushing through the key, not to mention it just looks shabby. The spare key I have is only a manual lock and unlock key with no buttons on it for the remote central locking. Has anyone changed their master keys into a new shell, or even a foldable shell? And did you run into any issues? Also, how hard is it, and costly, to get a new key registered/programmed to the car? Is it something you can do yourself? As I have read for other makes and models that you can program keys yourself with certain key presses and button sequences in the car. I'm after so many different parts for my Z and dont really want to drop hundreds on a new key just yet. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Regards, James.
  8. Thanks Stan, I certainly do plan to go to a couple of meets when the car is in a better mechanical condition. Got the clutch being done in about a month, along with a few other minor mechanical things at the same time and then hopefully I'll be good to tag along at a meet or two! Hey Sam! Keeping an eye on the dipstick isn't a problem for me. Having owned two RX8's in the past I'll be very surprised if they're as oil thirsty as those bloody things. Got used to driving them around with a few litres of oil in the boot for "just in case" purposes haha. Hey Headphones, no that wasn't me unfortunately. First time I've actually signed up and looked around these boards was yesterday and I haven't braved any meets with this club/member group yet. Will hopefully be doing so soon though! P.s. Mines black on the outside and orange and black on the inside. Nice looking motor you have there Chris! (I assume your name is Chris, given your username?). You had me at beer haha. Don't need any more of an excuse to meet up if a beer or two are involved tinkered with your car much since you first bought it? Done much to it? Thanks to the rest of you for the warm welcome. I look forward to becoming part of the community and getting involved/learning as much as I can about this particular car. Hopefully, with time, I'll make a half decent project out of it. Regards, James.
  9. If there is one thing I wouldn't do it's jeopardise the roof over mine, and my families, head. Open and honest from the beginning is the best way forward. As mentioned above, if you're contractually required to inform them of any employment changes then I'd highly recommend you obied by that contract. The fact that your other half already has a new job to walk into they might not even bother doing any rechecks or placing the entire thing on hold. But you are risking them rechecking upon near completion and if they see any mismatch in your details it could cause a whole world of pain. Reading above, Sarnie/Liam clearly knows his stuff so I'd highly recommend you heed his warning. I hear you when you say losing the house would ruin you financially but at the same time you could still lose the house if found out and it would also ruin your credibility and future chances of any lending/buying for anything. I really feel for your situation mate and wish you all the luck that it plays out how you need it to. Keep us updated bud! Regards, James.
  10. Good morning/afternoon/evening all, The names James, I'm from Coventry, West Midlands (anyone else on here near by?). Been a bit of a self taught/self learning beginner petrol head for the past year or so however have only really tinkered with RX8's (the dreaded rotary engine I know but I have a soft spot for them) and Mercedes Vitos/Sprinters (work related minor repairs and messing). Since my second RX8 decided to pop a bearing and sound like a washing machine with a brick inside of it I felt like a change. Never really been interested in 350z's before until one took over me on the a444. After that the more I seen them the more I wanted one and voila, bit the bullet and impulse bought the first one I test drove. Now, the car has near no history, no service record and I know naff all about any previous owners but I got it quite cheap. The reg is: CK54 DJU (so if any of you know this car/reg please give me any information you can). I had a mechanic mate look at it who specialises in high performance cars and he said, luckily, I hadn't bought a lemon and it's actually in good solid condition needing only minor work. Hasn't gone past the point of rescue with rust or anything like that so all is good! Looking at doing a fair amount of work to it however this is going to be a long term project that I plan to piece together over the years, and as much as money allows (although a baby is on the cards in the next year or so which means this car may be going into hibernation for a while soon after). Any newbie advice, pointers, things to look out for or address when first owning one? The car is pretty standard. My first port of call is getting the clutch replaced (going to single mass conversion), looking for a new exhaust system, looking for new wheels, a decent looking spoiler.. just to name a few wants on my wish list. Having been a member of car clubs before with other makes and models I'm hoping this will be just as good a home as the others, if not better! Well, that's the end of my Dear Deidre introduction, so see you around! Regards, James.
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