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Everything posted by Monkey1983

  1. No he’s Just coming as my passenger so no showing or track etc just general admission
  2. So my brother at the last minute wants to come tomorrow. Can you buy tickets on arrival ( I’ve not been before ) . It says so on the website and Facebook site but I wanted to check on here as well.
  3. So I thought I’d just add this as I’ve been to a few meets now generally with the same group but I don’t really get to know anyone as it’s so busy. So I thought I’d just put a few details down about me and if you want to do the same feel free. Car - DARK BLUE 350z DK57 RZR Sam Dakin 38 years old from Malvern Worcestershire 1 wife , 1 child a boy 8 years old. work as a plumbing and heating engineer mainly in boiler servicing and repair. 👍
  4. Midlands meet convoy from Worcester to Cotswold golf club
  5. Great fun , up fish hill is not for the feint hearted ! 🤣 great to see everyone
  6. Me and azzure will meet you at the nightingale pub at 11 👍
  7. Yess ok we will come up for breakfast, I may leave at spetchley to go home
  8. So could the convoy ( if we actually go for the drive ! ) pick me and Deano ( azurez33 ) up at spetchley for the drive down to the golf club ?
  9. Yes I’ve got mine it’s excellent !
  10. I’ll try and avoid getting a speeding fine on the way down this time 🤣
  11. Thanks Davey , I did love my old wheels but it was time for a change ( I’ve always wanted some dish wheels ) and I absolutely love them ! when is our first meet going to be I’m bored of winter now ! 🤣
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