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  1. Thanks FossilFish ,I think I will order this cheers .
  2. Hi I have a 2005 350zroadster just checked the clutch fluid and its muddy ,is it time for a new slave cylinder and flexi , clutch pedal is a bit graunche cheers.
  3. Hi thanks for that , I will have a think on it as a new one is only £249 with free postage cheers .
  4. thanks ,forgot to say I have a 2005 roadster will the exhaust fit ? cheers.
  5. Hi is the exhaust still for sale if so how much to post to GL19 3AF thanks.
  6. Hi welcome along ,yep that was the best mid life buy ,same as me love it .
  7. Hi welcome hope you can solve your problems ,as previously said there some one here that can help.
  8. Welcome nice to see another rag top owner ,enjoy it , I love mine .
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