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    Malvern, Worcestershire

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  1. Hi gents , tried to send a iPhone video of my eml morse code after the pedal dance but won’t send. anyone got Facebook that can decipher it if I send the video
  2. Hi all, I have a Japspeed radiator on my 350z and noticed after running the car and at temp for a good drive theres a spot or two off coolant landing next to the rad cap on the plastic fan shroud by no means anything major. Could this just be the release of pressure or is my cap faulty? temp sits fine and all runs as it should. Thanks in advance
  3. Due a oil filter change In the next couple weeks and was looking at getting the p1 service kit from tarmac sportz, you get the filter magnetic drain plug and 5L of 5w 30.... my question is what is the oil capacity after it’s been drained? 5L won’t be enough will it
  4. All sorted no overheating and no leaks, just wanna thank everyone on here for there help, turns out there was a slight leak that was fixed then after it continued to overheat the cap was replaced on the overfill tank ,they bled the system and took them 3 hours to get every little bit of air out. Low and behold I now have hot air coming through heaters and no overheating or leaks once again thanks I’m off to stretch her legs !
  5. Hi yeah the system was bled after being topped up. Would the overfill tank not having a secure seal cause air to leak in causing more air issues, the cap of being replaced today and itl be run after.
  6. Hi and update a small leak was found on the road hose that’s been rectified , but still continues to overheat, losing all my coolant through the overflow, we’ve noticed there’s no seal on the overflow so getting a cap today but would this really be the source to my problem. The car is holding pressure in the system as it’s been tested. any thoughts I’m swaying towards thermostat possibly?
  7. No sludge mayo, no oil in the coolant , no vapour from exhaust so I’m ruling head gasket out as I’m sure I’d have at least one of them symptoms. And would a HG failure leave a pool of coolant while running, I have limited knowledge but I don’t think it would well I hope not! Ive just dropped it off at my local indie but there not in till Monday now. Am am I right in thinking because there’s coolant escaping and there’s no heat from heater that the coolant isn’t reaching around the engine to keep it at normal running temp. im hoping it’s a cheap fix like a clip or hose , I suppose it could be a water pump too? Great start to Z ownership! Reliability coupe was a selling point for me , that and they are the best looking on the road in my opinion
  8. Both fans kick in as it rises on the temp gauge so I’ve ruled that out
  9. Thanks for having me, engine spec is 06 revup 46000miles, thinking it’s a split hose that’s only leaks under pressure but would be good if anyone knew a location I should expect it to be
  10. Hi I’m new to the forum had my 350z 2weeks So all was well for the first 2 weeks and yesterday driving home the temp went right up to by the red pulled over and couldn’t see a leak so drove it the 5mile left back home. Topped up after it cooled down with coolant and left overnight. took it for a drive then after 15mins or so it stated to rise on the temp over halfway again, got out and now I could see I was leaking a fair amount of coolant from the drivers side front of the car could not see the cause. Radiator was dry coolant expansion was dry looked to be wet at the bottom and running from behind the under tray drivers side. Side notes are no heat from heaters either. Any idea on the part/hose etc that’s failed? Many thanks
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