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About dutty

  • Birthday June 7


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  1. Yeah they are, but if someone might be getting rid of one here, doesn't hurt to ask
  2. Afternoon all, I'm after a 3rd party tower bar / strut brace, not the OEM one. Specifically I'm looking for the flat polished metal metal type that allows for easy access to the plenum and wiring harness while looking a bit sexy. For reference, something like this, that would also allow enough clearance to fit a plenum spacer later down the line.... https://www.m2motorsport.co.uk/cgi-bin/sh000001.pl?WD=bar strut&PN=M2-SB01-623---350Z-FRONT-ALLOY-STRUT-BAR-BRACE-620.html#SID=52 Ta!
  3. I mean, you should; its as simple as declaring the change on your V5C I think. But this is the third car I've had wrapped now and I've had no trouble yet without declaring.
  4. I had this problem after the pig came back from the wrap shop. Thanks for the fix denizens of the past!
  5. Got it back from the wrap shop this weekend. People will definitely see me coming
  6. Hey fella, You still have that Zunsport grille available? Does it still have all the fixings it requires? Cheers!
  7. The shocks were on since factory so they have done around 90k miles. The springs I would have to make an educated guess by their condition and say less than 5,000 miles. The springs are 30mm drops I believe. When I picked this zed up it had 19" alloys on with no rub, scrub or tuck. However, you couldnt take a good run at a speedbump without scraping your arse.
  8. *bump* Only the NISMO Shocks Remain now. I've dropped them down a bit further to shift them.
  9. Had to pop up the garage to get the replacement lambda sensor installed, so while it was on the ramp got a couple of shots with its new farting tubes installed.
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