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About daniel94

  • Birthday 11/11/1994


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  1. I was thinking of doing the tip and the can on my single exit, but doesn’t it just go brown after couple of days? Anyone know of any sealant or something like this to keep the exhaust shiny for longer?
  2. Ok I get that. I’m just looking at the stuff I’d need to do, once it’s all done the car would go on a flat bed to get tuned anyway so custom tune is not a problem. Just trying to understand what needs to be done, what’s the better way of doing things etc. thanks for that guys Cars not getting boosted for a while anyway, I’m kinda trying to see how much it would all cost to know if it’s worth it or not
  3. Thanks for your answer . what I don’t understand are the benefits of FRS. is it needed for more power or better reliability? does it even make a difference with stock block and v2/v3 kit with stock pulleys? I know it’s a lot of questions but I really can’t get my head around it lol
  4. So after going through most of the threads in FI section trying to get somewhat of an idea of things needed to supercharge the Zed and keep it reliable, I’ve seen people mentioning that you can get away with getting the Vortech tuner kit and upgrading fuel pump and injectors. does that mean the fuel return system is not necessary? Is anyone running SC without one, or am I misunderstanding it? TIA
  5. Only pic of what it looks now after crashing, bumper only temporary before I get a KBD one (plate is now on a bracket and not just hanging there like in the pic lol)
  6. Check out Zcotland page on Facebook, we have meets from time to time (once the lockdown finished and weather gets better)
  7. I know its a long shot but is it still available?
  8. you know that recruiting to Zcotland is my role right Irfan? anyway, join Zcotland page on facebook if you are on there, we have monthly meetings throughout the year and some usually go together to biggest shows around Scotland. youll see us in Dumfries on the 15th if you are coming?
  9. Don't be so humble, we deserved it chucked right at the corner and still managed to look great
  10. So I posted about this stand on Facebook and I’ve got at least one more person interested. Surely there will be more the closer we get, just don’t forget tha the deadline to book a place on the stand is this Thursday midday
  11. I have found this club registered as well. Anyone from here?
  12. are they still available? nevermind, just realized where are you located
  13. Ok, I will have a look at my coil packs today. Thanks for the advice :)
  14. It is a DE. Tbh if I give it some more revs it does not happen, only when moving off slowly (moving off from the red light with slow car in front or trying a 3 point turn). Would it not throw a missfiring code then? I will have a look at my coil packs and see if I can see anything wrong. Did not even think to check this kind of stuff tbh. It might be it, as it was done by a previous owner in the garage that I have heard are scrimping on everything they can.... Thanks for the suggestion!
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