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About tom268

  • Birthday August 26


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  1. Hi guys, So I've had the P0300 code come up which has led me to check all the plugs and coil packs. Coil pack 5 isn't sparking, is this a sign that I need a new coil pack or is this a sign that the electrical feed to the area is dodgy? (I assumed all coil packs on one side shared a supply/ cables? For info: All spark plugs were changed 4000 miles ago and the car has had no problems until now. Problems started when it was very wet. Eml came on and threw codes on for passenger cat below threshold and both o2 sensors in the rear of the exhaust. Possible water damage somewhere? Many thanks, Tom
  2. If any are still available I'm interested! Many thanks! Tom
  3. Hi guys, Sorry for the super slow reply. So, I tested all the fuses and the bcm and found nothing wrong, everything was working! I took it to an autoelectrician and he tested everything twice. He said the first time everything was fine but the second time he got a dodgy reading on a fuse. Turns out nothing was broken, the fuse just wasn't touching the connection so he swapped it. For anyone's future reference it was either that fuse everyone was suspicious of or the fuse 2 to the right of it, I can't remember now. Thank you for the advice guys. A typical case of bad luck and a really minor issue causing hours of searching.
  4. I'll remove the bcm and do some testing with a multimeter, see if I can find anything. Failing that I'll have to get an auto electrician to sort it. Thank you for your time and help!
  5. I'm not sure what you mean by retain memory. The mileage is correct but the trip computer under it has reset every time I kill the ignition and come back later to drive again if that helps?
  6. Thanks for the replies, my interior light doesn't work also, I forgot to mention that. So I'm thinking a relay or the bcm? I've checked all the fuses with a tester, and pulled the 10 Amp in the foot well out to visually inspect it/ swap it with the spare but I've had no luck there.
  7. Hi guys, i'm new to the forum but have used the tips and advice on here previously to see if anything works. I bought a Nissan 350Z last week and the telltale lights (and sound) for the indicators, headlights, and main beams are not working. However the lights are. I've removed the previously fitted ) JVC radio from the car but I don't know what i'm looking at there with regards to dodgy wiring. I've checked the fuse boxes including the one near the acceleration pedal and they are all fine. Any advice what to look for next would be hugely appreciated! Also no faults appear on an OBD reader... Tom
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