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    South Yorks.

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Z Hopeful

Z Hopeful (2/7)



  1. Amazing video, thanks for doing it and sharing 🥰
  2. 1. andy james - Paid 2. Zelda Paid (11:20 track) 3. George 1966 -Paid 4. Andy_Muxlow - Paid 5. Buster - Paid 6. nismoandy - Paid 7. SamTripp52 8. DAZ8235 - Paid 9. JonLonghorne99 - Paid 10. SuiSid - Paid 11. LAB99 - Paid 12. Millicano - Paid 13.Sebastian PAID (Track 10:20, 12:20, 14:20) 14. SHEZZA - Paid 15. MicktZZZ - Paid (just once on track at 12:20) 16. Monkey1983 - Paid 17. DrMurderDeath - Paid 18. SH23 - Paid 19. Azurez33 & +1 - Paid 20. Harrm +1 Paid 21. Marcos +1 Paid 22. Paul_K Paid 23. TommZ +1 Paid 24. StormtrooperZ +1 Paid 25. tauvp - Paid 26.Nathaniels350z +1-paid - Track 14:40 27. Whiskeymedicine +1- Paid - Track 12:20 28. Jonnymonno +1 - Paid 29. Patrick John - Paid 30. Stoker11 + 1 - Paid 31. Chris141084 - Paid 32. Humpy - Paid 33. harvers - Paid 34. Buptaboy - Paid 35. jayb_370z+1 - Paid 36. V1H - Paid 37. Roamy - Paid 38. HD350Z +1 - Paid 39. RDON - Paid 40. Bunning +1 - Paid 41. DIY_350z +1 -Paid 42. Vallis10 - Paid 43. HEADPHONES - Paid 44. eyespied +1 - Paid 45. Scot T (not on forum) - Paid 46. Phil T + Jules 47. juicezee +1 Paid 48. davey_83 - Paid 49. JWMarsden - Paid 50. JohnAllder +1 - Paid 51. Max Szoradi +1 - Paid 52. petergee1 +1 - Paid 53. gemzym1 - Paid 54. Edd20022 - Paid 55. Lukey +1 - Paid 56. jjennings97 +1 - Paid 57. ag_caraso +1 - Paid 58.Notorious_350z 59. OranginaZ - Paid
  3. It was a brilliant day out and great to meet some more members. I can’t believe how many Zeds travelled to be there and who probably like me are chuffed to bits to be part of winning this trophy 🏆
  4. Just copy and paste the list, put the next number in sequence and add your name.
  5. 1. andy James PAID 2. Sebastian PAID - Track 14.40 3. Stephanie 4. Andy_Muxlow PAID 5. SHEZZA PAID 6. Silverthorn PAID 7. Ottleydrift PAID 8. nissmoandy PAID 9.Paul K - Paid (ticket rolled over from last year) 10. V1H PAID 11. Matthew Thain PAID 12. Jamie Thain PAID 13. whitevanman. PAID 14. Mark350Z. PAID - Track 14.40 15. luigi350z PAID 16. Sarah PAID 17. HD350Z (+1) - PAID 18. Flashback - PAID 19. FruitPolo PAID 20. BUSTER PAID 21. Trott + 1 PAID 22. George (tarmacsportz) -PAID 23. Valy - PAID 25. MattRwebB - will pay end of month 26. Terry - Paid 27. Jamie - paid 28. checkle91 - PAID 29. AndrewK - Paid 30. Jenso - PAID 31. Tauvp - paid 32. 14N - PAID 33. Ross dean- PAID -track 15-20 34. Face_Eator PAID + Handling course 35. jamstar007 PAID Track time 9.40 36. ILikeDolphins PAID 37. kostask PAID 38. ASugars888 - Paid 39. Humpy - PAID 40.KBAD - Paid 41. Alex 350 - Paid 42. silky- Paid (rolled over ticket) 43.Ry4n -Paid 44.NICECUBED - PAID 45. Dannyg - PAID 46. RDON -PAID 47. Mathias - PAID 48. omegacloud - PAID Track 10:20 49. Kaikora - PAID 50. prodrive11 - PAID (track: 9:20, 10:20, 11:40) 51. 350Zeta - PAID 52. Lbow350z - PAID 53. Gregglecakes - PAID 54. harvers - PAID 55. Zelda - PAID 56. KG350z -PAID 57. Roamy (Luke) PAID 58. D-NISMO (Dan+1) PAID 59. clacksonator PAID 60. Ian Neild PAID, track 10.20 61.350z-btb PAID 62. Footbola - PAID 63. Kieran McNulty - Paid 64. Jonnymonno- Paid 65. Edd20022 - PAID 66. Budbongo - PAID 67. pagan - PAID 68. Stuggerz 👻 - PAID 69. Bunning - PAID 70. Jinshim (+1)- PAID 71.Zephyrz33-PAID 72. D7MOA (+1) - PAID 73. OLI38 - PAID 74. George1966 - PAID 75. Rallyboy1 (+1) - PAID 76. Nathangunniss - PAID 77. cam_Fearn - PAID 78. Nino - PAID 79. Slacky (+1) - PAID 80. reeceybeaney - PAID 81. petergee1 (+1) - PAID 82. OranginaZ - PAID
  6. I can't resist tittting about so I've now changed the badges to black and painted the strut brace Orange. Soon be time for a wheel refurb to a nice metallic grey.
  7. The Ring opening times are up at last https://www.greenhelldriving.nuerburgring.de/#/landing
  8. Same as docwra said really just go and enjoy your first lap before caneing it, a bit of "Driving Miss Daisy" is good. Move to the right to let cars past, and just smile when the GT3's come past like you were stood still. If you fancy a nice meal sat in the sun in Adenau try sitting outside the Hotel Blaue Ecke, burgers and beer is good.
  9. Just thought I'd pass this offer on. I've just found that Costco have a Michelin tyre offer on at the moment (£20 per tyre) so I've just ordered me a set, saving £80 for the set. Only trouble is the offer is only on for another four days until Jan 20th. Hope this helps somebody else save a few quid
  10. I've posted these pics on FB but thought I'd add them here too. Just fitted a GT style front lip and Zunsport grille courtesy of the nice peeps at Tarmac Sportz.
  11. 1. SuperStu x1 2. glrnet x1 3. Wingchun8 x1 4. cs2000 x1 5: Zmanalex x 1 6: Jay84  7. Paul K x1 8. Eatonm90 9. Andy_Muxlow 10. Kev T 11. andy James X1 12. Jack94 x1 13. cob1980 14. Grumpyoldjanner 15. Killick.z 16. Ricochet 17. OranginaZ
  12. Awesome, what a brilliant start to your project. Looking forward to following this build.
  13. Also spent the day taking the front bumper off to change the weeping steering cooler for another one and new rubber pipes.
  14. Bought a roof spoiler now off Tarmac Sportz. It came as a nice gloss black but decided to colour match it to the Zed, so a couple of nights tinkering in the garage and hey presto.
  15. My mate has a 911 - 996s and he was surprised when his insurance came in at less than his Scooby WRX. As to the Zed I got mine through Hastings for £263 for the year.
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