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About Trott

  • Birthday 02/06/1966


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Z Hopeful

Z Hopeful (2/7)



  1. If you add yourself to the link all updates will be posted
  2. Buzzing where you coming from pal
  3. ZEDDERS STAFFS 1st static meet private site loads happening check it out on Facebook or via link https://fb.me/e/Hq69DM0h
  4. Colour speaks really for its self ,take on gulf racing painted not wrapped
  5. Looking forward to this again great event better check my work schedule and get it booked
  6. Do we have plans for a club stand at this event
  7. Hi after some info before i book am i correct if i buy club ticket does my +1 go free as it states im allowed up to 3 passengers free not planning put bodies in the boot mind ya lol any advice appreciated
  8. Great job was my first big event with the club but defo looking forward to the next and hope the guys i saw parked at the side of the motorway got back safe sorry didnt stop but to late get across to you when noticed
  9. A up m8 how much for arches going fest as well ive got rust on front tried everthing stop it so need cover just till this year is over
  10. Trying get time off work i dont know till last minute due to my job but incase can someone confirm last day for booking and club code cheers in advance
  11. A up m8 just seen post coe up i thought originally it was silverstone u were on about sorry recheck bud
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