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Everything posted by Killick.z

  1. Superb blue. Don't do gold wheels usually (other than a WRX) but this works really well Ha thank you. I think it's maybe because other people take the photos..
  2. Not getting out every weekend is killing me (first time owning the Z over the winter). Hurry up show season.
  3. A trip out to Caffeine & Machine this past weekend. We'll have to arrange a Z meet there sometime in the summer months
  4. I've decided to jump ship on another club stand for this event with a friend so there's another free space available. 1. 14N 2. Andy_Muxlow 3. Buster 4. SHEZZA 5. Kingsley  6. Amyzed 7. davey_83 8. Panman 9. glrnet 10. G1en@waxandshine 11. andy James 12. 13. Scott370z 14. Bradley 15. cob1980 16. Liviu 17. Nso93 18. Silverthorn 19. jamesmac 20.shortpaul +1 
  5. 1. 14N 2. Andy_Muxlow 3. Buster 4. SHEZZA 5. Kingsley  6. Amyzed 7. davey_83 8. Panman 9. glrnet 10. Battered Z from the wax and shine bloke 11. andy James 12. Killick.z
  6. 1. SuperStu x1 2. glrnet x1 3. Wingchun8 x1 4. cs2000 x1 5: Zmanalex x 1 6: Jay84  7. Paul K x1 8. Eatonm90 9. Andy_Muxlow 10. Kev T 11. andy James X1 12. Jack94 x1 13. cob1980 14. Grumpyoldjanner 15. Killick.z 16. Ricochet
  7. IMO (very biased) MK1 over 2 for aesthetics all day long and the fact you rarely if ever see one. The rear in particular with the wing looks superb and not forgetting the Ray's. The MK2 has the Recaro's over the standard but comfortable Nismo seats so swap them out with some Braums and you're laughing
  8. Yeah I highly recommend them and to be fair the photo doesn't really do it enough justice. I've got a few other friends who have used them also. I believe I paid £55 for the set and that includes next day delivery.
  9. Exclusive Registrations on Instagram. I've received a lot of compliments about the look of them and they are 100% legal and of good quality. The lettering actually extends from the plate itself.
  10. I've been subscribed for approx. 5 months and have been happy with the variety of products and also the diversity of brands used. It's a good way to try out several different products without commiting to buying one then realising you don't get on with it. The brands consist of usually a couple of the well known (chemical guys, Wowo's, Auto Perfection) to lesser known including Polished Pigs, Black Sheep and Alien Car Magic who's stuff I highly recommend, especially the glass cleaner. Some gloves and air freshners are then thrown in. I feel its still a little pricey at approx. £17 per month but again nice to open up a box of goodies and coming across something different.
  11. If your cars been sitting there with just dust on for a week or 2, you’ll get away with a snow foam. Any use of the car (even if it looks clean) it’s pre wash via snow foam and 2 bucket. Its role is is to simply lift dirt from the paintwork. It’ll never provide you with a deep clean.
  12. 1. Davey_83 2. nissanman312 (Maybe) 3. 14N 4. OnlyAfro (Maybe if the weather is decent) 5. Matt jb88 6. Jay84 7. CLASSIX 8. Killick.z (Weather permitting)
  13. Welcome. We’ll certainly see you coming
  14. Really enjoyed this show. It seemed like the whole nation of Wales attended (and the rain held out just about). See you all at Trax
  15. Maybe try a synthetic Wax instead and see how you get on. I can recommend Meguiars which can usually be picked up for around £20 on offer at Halfrauds or Amazon. Nice to work with by hand. Poorboys Black Hole also a good shout.
  16. 1. andy James +1 - Paid Track time 12.20/13.40 2. Humpy - Paid 3. Nso93- paid 4. ShortPaul 5. Andy_Muxlow - Paid 6. Chippychip123 +1 - Paid 7. Jay84 - Paid 8. Coopen87 - Paid 9. Vroom811 - Paid  10. 14N - Paid  11. reeceybeaney +1 12. Buster - paid 13. Shire - paid  14. Daveo132 - Paid 15. Keith Olive - Paid 16. Dra1975 - Paid  17. Mark350Z - Paid  18. Killick.Z - Paid Remember the deadline is tomorrow guys. It'd be great if we could make 20!
  17. Place a cover over the PUG and hold a ‘storage wars’ event. You’ll soon get rid of it
  18. Let’s see if it’s completely standard in a years time - welcome!
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