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Everything posted by Killick.z

  1. I can vouch for Royal too. Had mine done 4/5 years ago. Lead times are lengthy but worth the wait.
  2. 1. andy James x1 ticket PAID. track time TBA 2. Monkey1983 x1 ticket PAID no track 3. Coz@TORQEN - 1 x Ticket PAID, no track time 4. Jamah_Zed x1 ticket PAID, No track time 5. Harrm x1 PAID 6.Humpy - 1 X Ticket PAID and no track time 7. PhilT x1 ticket PAID, plus Julie 8. Harvers x 1 ticket PAID Track time 10:45 9. BiggieJDM x 1 ticket PAID No track time (yet) 10. Tiffy350z x1 ticket PAID no track time 11. steven.b x1 ticket PAID, track time 13.00 12. Monkey Nuts x1 ticket PAID, Track time 12.00 13. MicktZZZ x1 ticket PAID, no track this year 14. Olly350z + 1 ticket PAID, no track time 15. Killick.z x1 ticket PAID, no track time
  3. You mean you've actually managed to organise a meet where it isn't tipping it down! 🤣
  4. 1. davey_8 2. pintopete58 3. George1966 4. Rhysos 5. Headphones 6. Monkey1983 7. budbongo 8. SHEZZA 9. Justthejedi 10. V1H 11. Andy_Muxlow 12. The Bounty Bar Kid 13. Coz@TORQEN 14. Lewis Schwier 15. Tauvp 16. GranTurismoEra 17. Blacklist_Nismo 18. Willsy1980 19. AmyZed 20. Killick.z
  5. Pressing the button just raises it enough for me to grab and lift. It's been around 4 years and I don't know any different 😆
  6. Maybe he's busy removing the wrap 😬
  7. Only the v1 Nismo's had limited number plaques (2013-2015) - build number in drivers side sill along with tyre information I think, if not under the bonnet.
  8. It's certainly genuine, however the previous owner has done their best to ruin it. There's plenty of others around that price bracket/mileage that are stock.
  9. Not at all relevant but I remember paying £159 for mine back in 2018 and thought that was a ridiculous price for mats! That being said, they do look superb and realistically should have been standard on the Nismo 370z's. The heel section doesn't hold up that well imo and that's with very limited use.
  10. 1. andy James (350Z) 2. Payco (510) 3. ShortPaul (370Z) 4. nismoandy (350z) 5. L. Schwier (370Z) 6. S. Killick (370Z) PAID 7. Olly350z (370z) 8. Azurez33 (350z) 9. Cals_350z (350z) 10. Humpy ( 370Z )
  11. We reckon there's about 10 silver Mk1's in the UK so all the best if you go for it. The price of them has risen since the last time I checked! From what I can see its completely standard aswell so that's what you want 👍
  12. 1) Payco - Datsun 510 SSS. Reg WWU 276J 2) KBAD - 350z . Reg J44SUS 3) nismoandy- 350z - WP06FNX 4) Nino - 370z - Reg. SK12 XZZ 5) Olly350z - 370z Nismo - GM16 JBX 6) Andy_Muxlow - 350Z - Reg. A20MUX 7) andy james. 350z reg AJ07 ZZZ 😎Humpy - 370z N12 SRA 9) Richn370 - 370Z CX59OKP 10) ColDel - vx220 - VK05XEU 11) davey83 - 350z - GT05ZED 12) pintopete58 350z GA53SOZ 13) Charlie Boy - 350z - AK56BYT 14) 💥Zippypooz - 350z - N44SSN💥 15) hotrain69 - 350z - NA07YTU 16) JohnI - 370Z Nismo - PA04YCO 17) Loadmaster - 370Z Nismo - RK67 DZZ 18) Pinoy-R- 350z - YT55NNO 19) Paul K - 350Z roadster - K50PTK 20) Stephanie -Grey 350z V6 SYA 21) MatthewThain - Ginge 350Z GT - FA53 FZZ 22) Jamie_T350z - 350Z GT - UK04 ZED 23) Slipstream - 370z Nismo - GX65BOH 24) Lewis Schwier - 370z Nismo - V6 LXD 26) prodrive11 - 350z - YL05XPD 27) Sebastian - 350z - PR02 SEB 28) Shane - 370z Nismo - V6 XSK
  13. For sale: Genuine Nismo Carbon Shift Knob I originally purchased it from a fellow forum member but never got round to fitting it. It comes complete in the original packaging with everything from new, even the little Nismo gear sticker. I'm looking for £90 and that'll include postage in the UK via Royal Mail. Regards, Shane
  14. Really happy with mine also. Can highly recommend them
  15. Looks good. You just need to swap the wheels now
  16. These are still available. I would say gathering dust but they're lovingly protected in the garage
  17. Thank you for the feedback! It looks like I've made my mind up then
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