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Everything posted by StormtrooperZ

  1. I'd be surprised if it's the oil. I always keep on top of services and regular oil changes etc. But will have a check. I've got my front lip to install this weekend, so will get it up on ramps and have a good look underneath. Cheers!
  2. 2013MY. Cobra exhaust fitted with stock cats. It's been on ramps previously, but nothing obviously wrong visually. I'd say the sounds coming from right under the centre console/dash. Will look into the cats. Thanks.
  3. Hi guys, Any ideas what this rattle is on light throttle on my 370z AT? Hopefully it can be heard on the video. Any pointers/advice welcome!
  4. Similar experience. 3rd party drove into me. She accepted liability. Ran it through insurances, her insurance covered all my repair costs. Declared it as a non fault claim for next 3 years. No impact on my premium.
  5. Bump! Forgot I put these up. Still available. Boxed up in garage. Price drop! Shall we say £350? Similar to another set that sold on here.
  6. It comes with 2 or 3 USB cables that you can use to connect/charge phones, usb sticks, hard drives to the unit. The factory usb in the armrest cubby is used by the unit's sound out adaptor.
  7. I'm not aware of anything for the 350z sorry mate.
  8. Yes buddy. It enables car play and android auto straight out the box, no need for additional dongles or anything.
  9. Yeah ignore the tweeter as it was something shared with me. But goes to show there's a lot of people out there with the same mindset as the OP here. Then there's the emblem Vs letter debate.
  10. That's a tad extreme imo buddy.
  11. As per the main thread in general. This is the last unit I have in stock at the moment and for the foreseeable future. Upgrade the infotainment system in your zed! Access Google play store and all Google apps on your Zed's screen. Android 9.0 4gb RAM 64gb ROM £395 delivered to anywhere in the UK. I'm happy to install it for free if you come to me. I could also bring it with me to Japfest and install it there and then for someone on the stand 😎👍 Tfl STZ.
  12. No harm done matey, everybody got to test their brembos and they all passed! 🕺🕺🕺
  13. Great day out. Thanks for organising @davey_83. Weather was spot on! Great drive down to the Cotswolds, excluding the sudden pitstop/pile up!😬 But fish hill made up for it! 🤩 Hope everyone made it back home safe. Some pics of the day from me. See you all at japfest!
  14. Nioce work. Though must admit, my mind went straight to this when I read Sahara sand -
  15. What time will you guys be setting off after you've filled your bellies @davey_83??? I'll more than likely skip breakfast, but will meet up and join you for the drive down to Spetchley and maybe down to the Cotswolds as well (time permitting).
  16. That's a good run with zeds. Not a bad replacement either! Wow! 😎
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