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Z Hopeful

Z Hopeful (2/7)



  1. 1. andy James PAID 2. Sebastian PAID - Track 12.40 3. Stephanie 4. Andy_Muxlow PAID 5. SHEZZA PAID 6. Silverthorn PAID 7. Cs2000 PAID - Track 14:40 8. nissmoandy PAID 9.Paul K - Paid (ticket rolled over from last year) 10. V1H PAID 11. Matthew Thain PAID 12. Jamie Thain PAID 13. whitevanman. PAID 14. Mark350Z. PAID - Track 14.40 15. luigi350z PAID 16. Sarah PAID 17. zzincubus (Len Meakin) PAID 18. Flashback - PAID 19. FruitPolo PAID 20. BUSTER PAID 21. Trott + 1 PAID 22. George (tarmacsportz) -PAID 23. Valy - PAID 25. MattRwebB - will pay end of month 26. Terry - Paid 27. Jamie - paid 28. checkle91 - PAID 29. AndrewK - Paid 30. Jenso - PAID 31. Tauvp - paid 32. 14N - PAID 33. Ross dean- PAID -track 15-20 34. Face_Eator PAID + Handling course 35. jamstar007 PAID Track time 9.40 36. ILikeDolphins PAID 37. kostask PAID 38. ASugars888 - Paid 39. Humpy - PAID 40.KBAD - Paid 41. Alex 350 - Paid 42. silky- Paid (rolled over ticket) 43.Ry4n -Paid 44.NICECUBED - PAID 45. Dannyg - PAID 46. RDON -PAID 47. Mathias - PAID 48. omegacloud - PAID Track 10:20 49. Kaikora - PAID 50. prodrive11 - PAID (track: 9:20, 10:20, 11:40) 51. 350Zeta - PAID 52. Lbow350z - PAID
  2. There's a gunmetal coupe on somebody's drive down Hawley Road way I believe by a mini roundabout
  3. Hi all, got some random parts for sale as per the below; - located in South East London / Kent. Bonnet catch - £10 Washer bottle - £40 Intake tube - £10 x2 Horns - £10 x2 Horns - £10 x1 Bonnet strut - £5 x1 Bonnet strut - £5 x1 oil cooler - £20 x1 oil cooler - £20
  4. Bit late back to this thread but they'll definitely be a meet going ahead once this is all over, would be good to see some new faces!
  5. I guess we should probably organise something like in advance so that everyone can come lol
  6. Z meet tonight at 8pm at sandbanks carpark by Rick Steins BH13 8QJ just a little gathering if anyone is interested
  7. Agreed - massive thanks to @14N for organising today, was my first time at jps was a really good show in a really good venue too - good to see more zed enthusiasts too :)!
  8. Couple of us meeting at the m25 j26 diner at 6.10 am to get to the rendezvous point - if anyone wants to come
  9. Added Kingsley too, not sure on my colour as currently going through a change and I haven't seen it yet lol 1. 14N - PAID - 370Z Yellow **** 14N 2. Andy_Muxlow - PAID - 370Z Lavender *** MUX 3. Buster - PAID - 370Z Tarmac Sportz White *80BS* 4. SHEZZA - PAID - 350Z Very Black ** MAS 5. Kingsley - Paid - 350z night blue - ***KFB  6. Amyzed - PAID - 350Z Roadster **** AMY 7. davey_83 - PAID - 350Z Grey DV05 *** 8. Panman - PAID 9. kaptainmarc - PAID 10. G1en@waxandshine - PAID - 350Z Black 11. andy James - PAID - 350Z Silver AJ07 *** 12. Humpy - PAID - 370Z Blue *** SRA 13. Scott370z - PAID 14. Lbow350z - Paid - 350Z not sure on colour currently going through a colour change that's green /red /purple I think - ****PWN 15. Sisson - PAID 16. Liviu - PAID 350z white *DLK 17. Nso93 - PAID - 370Z Grey **NSO 18. StormtrooperZ - PAID 19. jamesmac  20. Richn370 - PAID
  10. 1. 14N - PAID 2. Andy_Muxlow - PAID 3. Buster - PAID 4. SHEZZA - PAID 5. Kingsley - PAID  6. Amyzed - PAID 7. davey_83 - PAID 8. Panman - PAID 9. kaptainmarc - PAID 10. G1en@waxandshine - PAID 11. andy James - PAID 12. Humpy - PAID 13. Scott370z - PAID 14. Lbow350z - PAID 15. cob1980 16. Liviu - PAID 17. Nso93 - PAID 18. StormtrooperZ - PAID 19. jamesmac  20. Richn370 - PAID
  11. If there's anybody that isn't able to go, would it be possible to jump on the stand? Bit confused with the queue
  12. Saw you at probably 19:40 join the a31 before Sailsbury
  13. Big thanks to @Rgvrip for organising the stand, turned out really well, was a really good show and met some new faces, hope to see you all at more meets
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