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Everything posted by Osakakev

  1. Osakakev

    Diff Oil

    Thanks Alex Auction sheet states LSD What oil would you recommend for that?
  2. Osakakev

    Diff Oil

    Hi, Is this the correct diff oil for 2006 Rev Up JDM Import? https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/193230691486 It looks different (but same product code) than the one from Tarmac Sports but it's out of stock https://www.tarmacsportz.co.uk/tarmac-sportz-genuine-nissan-350z-370z-differential-oil-2-litres.html?gclid=Cj0KCQjwzN71BRCOARIsAF8pjfhk6RHOG8sSZYOUMYFDMGEZZt5_kB8z06Tiulq7Gjz6WWlys--bfCUaAiauEALw_wcB Cheers
  3. Ah I thought it wouldn't have one at all, rather than it just being inoperative
  4. Hi, Can anyone let me know where to buy a foglight for a JDM Import? Can see sites in the states but not the UK Cheers
  5. Hi, I have a Nardi wheel currently and want to make it quick release. I'm getting a but confused as to what I need to buy! Do I just need this; https://www.torqen.uk/nissan/350z/body-styling/steering-wheels/14315-nrg-gen-30-steering-wheel-quick-release-kit-srk-650bk.html Or do I also need a hub or maybe it has a hub already as its a non standard wheel? The hub mentions a pcd adaptor is needed for Nardi wheels, hopefully I already have one! Ideally don't want to bring it too close to me so the slim hub (if I need one) and quick release would be ideal Cheers
  6. Thanks Dan. Your my existing insurer and no issues including them!
  7. Haha I did go and view one in the Uk but never test drove it myself as wasn't properly insured! It was standard and anything modified was hours and hours away from me so never bothered viewing anymore. My last car was an Mx5 (exc temporary car) and was a Jap import. It was in miles better condition underneath than my UK Mx5 so decided I wanted a fresh Import. I love modified cars (too many trips to Japan) so decided to get the most modified one I could haha
  8. Cheers I'll look out for those other mods (I'll need to Google plenum spacer tho lol). If the rectangle thing is a ECU controller then assume it's been remapped but glad to know it's not too much of a boost! Haha to be fair I've always had a Mazda MX-5 but sold it to put towards this and Micra was temporary (ended up with it longer than I expected tho). Cheers
  9. Hi, It's not stripped out, interior is normal other than bride seats. Mods I was advised of are; Weber bodykit Spoiler Carbon Fibre Bonnet Roll Cage Bride Seats HKS Suspension Arc Radiator Different Exhaust Nardi Wheel I don't believe it's a track car but if the rectangle gauge is a lap timer and not a ECU controller then maybe it is Cheers
  10. Haha I'm very glad it's not turbocharged! I've been driving a 1.0 Micra for a year so standard 350 is enough! I've found out the right hand side one is an ecu controller but what would it do? Need to let insurer knows if higher Hp than normal Cheers
  11. Cheers. I've attached another picture (the circle one says auto bal...and starts with vacuum ) Hope it helps
  12. Thanks Coldel. What do the gauges do?
  13. Yes, hopefully I won't test it out lol
  14. Hi, Bought a Fairlady from auction site in Japan and want to make sure all mods are declared. I've attached pictures of the engine bay and some gauges. I'm a bit if a car noob to be honest haha but I assume that's an induction kit? Not sure what the blue pipe is but I know it's got an arc radiator and trust oil cooler so not sure if related to that? About the guages, please don't tell me it's turbocharged Cheers
  15. It has a aftermarket carbon fibre bonnet but I have been promised some pictures at the port so hopefully that will confirm Cheers
  16. Thank you all. I don't have photos of engine bay or speedo yet. It's currently on it's way to the docks in Tokyo so might get some there. If it's possible that be a HR I just wont order those bits until I know for sure.
  17. No unfortunately don't Just wanted to be buy some service items before it arrives Cheers
  18. Hi I've got a 2006 Fairlady on the way from Japan and the two chassis number searches I've done state different engines (one days DE and one says HR). I know UK HR's started 07 but could Japan have started it earlier or is it just incorrect info? Cheers
  19. Hi, Could anyone post a picture of the service schedule for UK 350z. My car is a JDM 2006 All the links in old threads don't seem to work Cheers Kev
  20. Could someone be so kind as to measure how much the arches stick out compared to the where the doors are? The widest part of the car is the aches I think so the by the doors might be slimmer. Also could you measure how thick the doors are? I may be able to then squeeze out!!
  21. Where I live parking on the road isn't an option unfortunately! I'm the end garage so I can't make it any wider (someone else's garage to the left and someone's wall to the right) Cheers for the link but garage is not attached to house unfortunately! I parked my existing car up to the line where I measured (71.5 inches wide) and couldn't get out (I'm very slim as well)
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