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Everything posted by Osakakev

  1. Great thank you! So looks like I need pump, reservoir tank, pipework from screen to pump and possibly the wiring
  2. Thanks Alex (sent you PM as well). Definitely need wiper arms/blades/jets/pump/reservoir tank. The stalk is still there. How can I check if the pipes have been removed?
  3. Thank you both! Ah didn't realise that as its my first 350z but can see where they would go on my wipers unless they are aftermarket ones ... I have attached some pictures. Thanks Alex will send you a pm if you can see what parts I need from the photos it would be appreciated. Cheers
  4. Hi, My car was imported with a carbon fibre bonnet but no windscreen washer jets. Everything has been removed which really confused me and the mot guy haha. How can I retro fit these back without drilling the bonnet? I know you can get the jets built into the wipers if anyone has done this before? I'll need to buy everything, jets, motor and the filler bottle. The reserve tank won't fit due to body kit I think so assume I don't have to have one.. Thank you!!
  5. Cheers, will give them a call. Most places are only interested in doing the alignment and not fitting the bolts. True, happy to pay for a quality job. The only price I've had so far for both is £480 off Suspension Secrets which seems a lot
  6. Great thanks, will do! Suspension Secrets have just responded to say they can only do the full job but 250 + Vat for an alignment seems a bit OTT
  7. Hi, I need SPC toe bolts fitting and an alignment but struggling to find anyone willing to do it... I've tried; TDI North - Declined to fit the bolts Demon Tweeks - Same as above Wheel Alignment Ball Joint Centre - Same as above Hunter Steering & Suspension Centre - Same as above Suspension Secrets - £150+Vat to fit the bolts but the only alignment they offer is £250+Vat. I am awaiting response if they will just do the bolts If anyone has any recommendations it would be appreciated. Cheers
  8. Thanks Alex. Struggling to find an informed geo shop in North West
  9. Appreciate the reply as always. Is it easy to tell if I'm running the stock rear spring? I just know car has HKS Hypermax coilovers. Some toe arms mentioned I needed true coilovers but the Driftworks one didn't so assumed they would be a straight swop from stock. They do look expensive 😮 Just buying toe bolts would be ideal cost wise if that would give enough movement. He mentioned when he got one sorted it threw the other out so assumed I would need lockouts to stop this? Cheers
  10. If you have any recommendations it would be appreciated. Don't want to go too mad price wise. What is the difference between toe arms and toe traction arms?
  11. Thanks Alex. I just got Tarmac Sports branded ones. Thought they would be better than ones from eBay
  12. Thanks Alex. Is this the adjustable toe arms I need? From Google HKS Hypermax don't appear to be true coilovers. https://www.tarmacsportz.co.uk/driftworks-nissan-350z-z33-03-rear-traction-arms-v2-black-edition.html
  13. Thanks Alex, do the lock out kits require drilling? Tarmac sports ones need true coilovers and not sure if I have them or not? 🤔! Auction sheets says HKS Hypermax.
  14. I got adjustable rear camber arms fitted and just tried to get it aligned but they couldn't get the rear toe back in spec He said when he got one side sorted it would throw the other out and wasn't enough adjustment. I'm not 100% sure he knew what he was doing.. Should I have also got lockout toe bolts or adjustable toe arms? Pic of alignment is attached. He didn't charge and never adjusted the front so assume that wont be a problem when the rear is sorted. Cheers
  15. Thanks Davey, will do!
  16. Thanks Alex, really appreciate it Don't want to go too expensive so SPC looks good. Are these easy enough for any garage to fit?
  17. Thanks Alex. I don't think anything was seized, just don't think he was aware a small amount of movement was possible. Yeah was thinking I might need adjustable arms. What ones would you recommend? Was going to take it into Kwik Fit tomorrow to see if they can adjust the camber but sounds like it might be a waste of money until I fit adjustable arms Cheers
  18. Thanks Alex Strange they said they can only select upto 18inch wheels... Does that mean the results in my print out are not a true reflection of what is on the car? Great thanks, so I just need to adjust the rear camber. It's low but but slammed. How much degrees movement is possible? Kwik fit are my only option with a hunter machine now 😐
  19. Just had the alignment done on a Hunter machine but they said the max wheels their system can do is 18inch and mine are 19inch. Will that have a big effect? They also said rear camber can't be adjusted but reading on here that's not correct and a small amount of adjustment is possible. Would the results I have now still result in uneven tyre wear? Car is lowered on HKS Hypermax coilovers. Cheers
  20. Thank you as always Alex!
  21. Hi, I need to change my rear tyres (first change since ownership). Is the alignment out from the pictures? Assuming it is, is it the hunter Hawkeye system I should use (rather than standard garage alignment system)? Regarding settings, just use OEM even tho it's lowered, 2 way diff and on HKS coilovers? Looking to minimise tyre wear as much as possible. Thank you in advance!
  22. Thank you! I replaced the sender initially with; VDO Pressure Sender 10 Bar 1/8NPT with Low Warning 0.8 Bar Which didn't solve issue so want to change wiring and gauge now. Would Aem be suitable for the above? Cheers
  23. Hi, My aftermarket oil pressure gauge needs replacing. I ordered the Glowshift from Torqen but apparently out of stock and waiting for them from the USA. I have it booked in next week with auto electrician to fit (along with new Stereo). Can anyone recommend a similar priced one? I know Greedy and Defi are recommended but a bit out of budget! Ideally want it to come with new sensor and wiring Cheers
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