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Posts posted by Kryptek49

  1. 1 hour ago, rabbitstew said:

    Amazing how cheap they are now to insure. When I first got my zed back in 2010 I struggled to find anyone who would insure me. In the end Adrian Flux insured me at a cost of £1200. 


    I had a clean license, lived in a quite cul-de-sac full of retirement bungalows, had 18 years NCB on my car and 15 years NCB on my motorbikes. The only "reason" they gave me for the high premium was that whilst I had many many years experience of riding high powered superbikes, I hadnt recent experience of driving high powered RWD cars.  Which was clearly a load of bull as I was getting quotes of £400 to insure an M3 and £500 to insure a Lambo Gallardo (although 4wd but was worth like 5 times the price of the zed).

    That's mad that you had to pay that much - I'm 22 with 4 years NCB and my first year on a HR was only £750 with admiral.  

  2. 24 minutes ago, GMballistic said:

    Ewan as per the rules you should have your username on a piece of paper next to the item you have but in this one instance as you're offering the item for free to be posted/collected I'll let this one in. 


    Very generous of you. :thumbs:

    Sorry about that, I'll bear it in mind next time. 

  3. Preparing my HR for putting in an aftermarket head unit, so no longer need the stock 350z bluetooth adapter.


    Not really sure if anyone would need a replacement, but if so let me know and I'll send it out to you.






  4. 36 minutes ago, LRF4N said:

    For sale soon? Who would’ve guessed with all these posts today :lol:

    Stretching the "no spam" rule slightly - a long way to go to hit 100 posts though!

    I've noticed it on the forum a couple of times in the last few weeks - anyone who is really active with commenting always seems to have a car pop up in the Zed's for sale section! 

  5. A code reader is only a tenner - why not pick one up to check what it was? 

    I had an O2 sensor error flash up recently - cleared it and it hasn't come back - but at least I know what was going on.

  6. Hi, my 57 plate HR is having a few electrical issues.


    Yesterday I pulled a fuse to check the fuse size from the compartment near the accelerator pedal.  I replaced the fuse after about 10 seconds.

    Today when driving the car, I noticed that all the clocks/mpg settings had been reset to 0, and that the indicator dash lights were not functioning (actual indicators are working fine)


    I assume this has something to do with the fuse I pulled, but I've replaced all the fuses along the bottom row and this hasn't helped!


    I'm not sure exactly which fuse I pulled, but I'm fairly sure it was one of the 10's along the bottom row - all of which I have tried replacing.


    From searching on the forum other people have had similar problems which always resulted in a bad fuse, however there symptoms also included the dome & trunk lights not working - except they are fully functioning on mine.


    Is there something I'm missing here? Any advice would be really helpful.


    Here's a photo of the fuse box if it helps: 




  7. 1 hour ago, letsgotopless said:

    Its been a couple of years since this was aired and tech/diagnostic products move forward very quickly.

    SO; whats a good reasonably priced reader nowadays from your experience?

    I dont need some super software based reader but a good one for the Z although I think they are all multi car brand anyway.




    I use this: https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B01AC7I7BO/ref=oh_aui_search_detailpage?ie=UTF8&psc=1 alongside the Torque app for android.

    Works perfectly - most recently used to view an O2 sensor error code and clear it.


    You will need one that works via WiFi if you have an iPhone.


    I don't think there's been any advancements in OBDII hardware - it's 20+ year old technology now, but it works well so no need to change i guess!

  8. I'm 22 - 4 years NCB - insured with admiral with aftermarket exhaust declared for £750.


    It all greatly varies depending on where you're located though, so it's not easy for anyone here to advise tbh!

    Admiral are pretty good on mods, only costs a few quid to add some fairly hefty modifications, but they will only restore the car to stock if you were to crash it.

  9. 48 minutes ago, NEroadster said:

    Just for info, the roof panels on all Nissan motors are the only outer panel which are pressed from uncoated material. All other outer panels have a zink coating. So the secret is to touch up any stone chips as soon as pos... Reason for being uncoated material is cost reduction and the fact it is a low corrosion risk panel.

    Thanks for the info - so if the panel has already started rusting in 5 places no more than 1x1cm, would it be too late to try touch anything up?

  10. Hi, I just noticed the 350z I picked up last week has about 5 stone chips on the roof that have started to bubble, with one having rust visible.



    Here's a photo of the worst one.

    I'm guessing I'll have to get a full sand down and respray on the roof - anyone got any idea of costs for this? 


    Running low on funds due to purchasing the car, so if I don't get it fixed immediately I assume this isn't a big problem?

    Any advice/similar experiences would be useful.


  11. Best place to get a new clutch & flywheel will be Zmanalex, I believe the HR's have a poor CSC so this should be swapped at the same time, as well as putting on a braided clutch line.


    Do you plan on doing it yourself or will you be paying a garage?

    From a quick look on the forum, OEM clutches for the HR are very expensive and a lot of people go for the Xtreme single mass flywheel (instead of a dual) - however this will cause a lot of noise at low rpms.


    https://h-dev.co.uk/product/350z-hr-xtreme-clutch-single-organic-kit-inc-smf-and-csc-kni25688-1a-copy/?v=79cba1185463 - here's a link for a full kit, probably best to pm Zmanalex first though to see what he has available.


    FYI, my HR had a new Nissan clutch fitted (before I purchased it) @ Fast Eddy's in Norwich and this cost around £2,000 including parts & labour

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