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Everything posted by cs3ljw

  1. Think I have found one, collection in the next couple of days! Yeah don't want to go near valve stem seals or piston rings!
  2. Thanks for the links above very helpful, I had a look at the video and read through the post. I assuming smoking on startup is something happening more lately as they age, didn't see it mentioned...
  3. Yeah that's probably a good call. There is enough around that if it doesn't seem right to walk away to. Thanks
  4. Ok so the DE does have slightly more torque but not enough to be noticeable in my opinion. Going to keep looking...
  5. Good Morning, I joined up the other day and am currently looking for a 350z. So far I have looked at a couple a DE and a REV UP. The DE smoked on startup so I walked away, the rev up didn't feel as strong as the DE, I know the rev up has more power and the car is a bit heavier than the DE but does it have less torque as a result? The rev up was otherwise in reasonable condition but I'm a bit put off because it felt a bit flat, it has been serviced every year but I'm not sure if its had much beyond oil and filter in the recent services, so maybe its down to plugs, air filter (I need to lookup what is done as part of a P3 service) etc?
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