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Everything posted by Rikz2004

  1. I bought mine fairly recently and been looking at them for a while, I would echo what others have said. For £3k it will be one of the earlier ones in tatty condition and probably previously written off or with something wrong with it. If it's not been a cat c/d previously and doesn't have anything wrong with it, it will probably be in poor condition and have been run into the ground, with bills in the near future on consumables (brakes, tyres, clutch, etc). They are not a cheap car to run, and as others have said I would set aside £1k for repairs/consumables. A set of tyres are >£500 for example and a clutch would be £1k. On the earlier models there can be gearbox issues. Also watch out for imports, they are a different spec and will probably cost more to insure. They are lovely cars and I love mine but you need to make sure you have realistic expectations of what you're going to get for that much money, and also regarding running costs. All that said best of luck finding one in decent condition!
  2. Car looks amazing! Only wish I could afford something like this! GLWTS!! Coincidentally I'm also in Jordan Hope you have a great time there!
  3. Hmm cheap DA polisher sounds risky on thin Japanese paint? I'd be careful, BMW paint is really hard and quite thick so you have a lot to play with, apparently Japanese paint isn't. But it may turn out fine, make sure you upload pics to show us the results!
  4. Yep bought it from @Stevie-Boy Thanks for the compliment, it does look pretty good after the wax I'm thinking of going that extra mile a bit later in the year to polish it up (and hopefully get rid of some of the swirl marks) so it really shines!
  5. I'll take a look at their website - thanks for the heads up! And thanks for the compliment!
  6. I have 1 more picture, unfortunately it shows paint damage on the front bumper (this was already there when I bought the car, the previous owner said that a big chunk of paint had flaked off and he used nail varnish to make it look better?!). I need to get the bumper resprayed in all honesty. Pic attached anyway!
  7. Hi, I have cleaned my maf and did go through the pedal dance. I'm not sure if you need to, but it wasn't too difficult anyway so I wouldn't be too concerned about that. If you clean the throttle body then it's more of an issue - mines threw up an error code when I cleaned the throttle body. I attempted the pedal dance twice and it worked and the error disappeared.
  8. Thanks for the advice @ilogikal1 I will look into the product you have suggested. I think I'll wait until its warmer until actually doing anything though!
  9. Haha fair enough! Good advice to keep what I have and then decide once it runs out - thanks @ilogikal1! If I wanted to polish my car (by hand) what would you recommend? Is gtechniq p1 any good?
  10. Thanks, was worth the effort I think, especially as I don't have to wax for another 2-3 months now! On a side note, I use jetseal 109 sealant. What do people think of that wax/sealant? And what do others use?
  11. Hi all, Bought my 350z roadster a few months ago. Finally got round to waxing it this weekend, turned out pretty well but in all honesty need to get it detailed as it has quite a few swirl marks! Pic attached of my effort!
  12. Hi all, So I bought my 350z a few months ago, it's my first Zed and I love it! It's a 2006 revup roadster in grey. It came with a JWT pop charger installed, which I gathered is mostly for sound. The engine felt slightly restricted so I cleaned and reoiled the pop charger filter, as well as cleaning the maf and throttle body. Prior to doing both of these I changed the spark plugs also, and I gather that's the first time the spark plugs had been changed from speaking to the previous owner! So this helped somewhat with the restriction, but the car still felt somewhat hesitant, and didn't feel like it had the torque it should, and also was a bit jerky on the throttle. So I bought a used revup air intake box from ebay (the correct one for my car, as mines is a revup) and this has made a massive difference! It now feels how i would expect and revs a lot more freely, pulling strong all the way to the redline. There is no more jerkiness, and also no hesitation when pulling away from stationary (which was one of the main issues). Also there was a bit of a drone on the motorway at certain speeds which is now gone. From my personal experience I would definitely recommend sticking with the OEM intake (especially if you have a revup!). What are other people's experiences? The only other thing is there could be some issue with the popcharger I have (maybe it's too dirty and can no longer be cleaned so is clogged and restrictive?!).
  13. I have a Sony a6000 which is an aps-c camera (crop sensor). The sensor is almost as big as a dslr, but the camera is a lot more portable. I'd recommend going to a shop and seeing them all in real life to see how they feel to hold etc. For me portability won in the end, and the quality is basically the same as a dslr (but obv this varies dependant on which dslr you're comparing with). There are of course newer versions of this camera that are more expensive and have more features (a6300 and a6500). If you want something really small and easy to use that takes great photos the Sony rx100 is supposed to be very good.
  14. I actually don't have any pics of my 350z on mines yet, but feel free to check it out, it's riks_g I'll follow you guys too!
  15. Same colour and spec as mines by the look of it! (except for the rear sensors which I do miss from my previous car) It's a great looking car! Mine has spacers all round which helps the wheels fill the arches a bit better From what I've read, other than a supercharger, any power mods aren't really worth it as you need to do a lot for minimal gain.
  16. Glad to hear it's sorted! @Andre D I assume they gave you the money you asked for, for the sports cats?
  17. I'm assuming you're paying a yearly premium split over 12 months with an interest charge applied on top? If so, I don't believe they can change it until renewal time? Unless it's a black box policy in which case they can charge you extra for driving what they would deem to be in a way that makes you more of a risk? Or a PAYG policy. Without more detail on the type of policy you have and what you originally agreed to it's difficult to say, but if it's a normal insurance policy this sounds wrong.
  18. It's really @*!# when something like this happens, puts such a downer on things. Hope it all gets sorted @Andre D As others have said I would be looking for a refund personally, especially as its going to cost so much to rectify. In that sense you're lucky you've paid on credit card, that will help sort things out. Also probably a lesson learned in terms of trusting car dealers I guess.
  19. In all honesty without knowing more details, the fact that it's decatted and the seller tried to hide this would push me towards returning the car for a refund (I believe you have a certain amount of time to do this if a car has been missold to you which it clearly has). I'm not against decatting a car wholesale, if I met an honest seller that had taken care of the car and seemed genuine that would be fine, but the above scenario for me raises warning bells.
  20. Welcome! I bought my roadster in the same colour and year not too long ago, I am loving it Yours looks in good condition!
  21. I live in sw London but I'd be up for a meet up around bracknell dependant on day/date!
  22. Someone must know where I can buy one of these?
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