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  1. ZMANALEX my fairlady does not come up on there list if you sure they work I will order one
  2. hi ZMANALEX do you know where to get new connectors
  3. hi guys thanks for all the reply's and help you wont believe this. Eddie_r32 you are right it was battery how coincidental is that. car must have been topping battery up enough to keep it going then me sitting there trying to get obd to work flattened the battery. so have charged battery and car starts so least worry is off that car is ok. the battery is not the right one its tiny so have tried to get new one from euro parts but cant seem to find one with the small jap terminals so am looking to see if I can change the connectors.to uk ones has anyone done this.
  4. Hi I have a 02 fairlady with the small battery terminals does anyone know where to get these
  5. hi I had an engine light on so brought a bluetooth obd2 reader to read the code. I plugged the Bluetooth obd2 reader into the car and opened the torque app to try to connect to the car. I tried different connection setting in the app but it said there was no connection on any of them then the car started to make clicking noises and dash lights went off. so when you turn on ignition car makes a clicking Nosie the dash does not light up gauges don't move up no power if you try to start the car wipers move slowly across the screen even though I have not turned them on. I am gutted wish I have never done this any help please
  6. hi I have messed my 2002 nissan fairlady up pluged obd2 two in tried app car made some clicking noises now it wont start no dash working wipers move on there on like the battery is flat wish I had left it alone can anyone help with info PLEASE
  7. hi I have a 2002 Nissan fairlady jap import and wondered what app works with odb2 Bluetooth if any. or any suggestions on a code reader
  8. thanks for the info im defiantly looking into this
  9. thanks for the reply's I will have a look on youtube. I can afford anther car with insurance all extra don't want to get rid of 350 it is my daily driver and have had drop in ernings just thought this would be a way of keeping my 350
  10. hi ya just wondered if anybody has had an lpg conversion and was it worth doing any info please thanks
  11. hi where is the best place to buy a oil filter for a nissan fairlady 350z 52 plate thanks
  12. hi all thanks for letting me join i hope to learn a lot i have just brought a 02 nissain fairlady. my sat nav/ screen is still Japanese can this be changed to English. thanks steve
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