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Everything posted by Silverthorn

  1. Not bad whatsoever! I think i had a quote of £2000 + VAT to sort out 2nd and 5th Hence I've just added some molyslip and adjusted my gear changes haha
  2. No forced induction for me i don't think! I'm waaay too poor for that Intake, ported plenum, test pipes and a map and I'll most likely leave it there. I need to buy a house soon
  3. @TT350 Cheers mate! Finally starting to take shape now I think Although the list of plans I have doesn't seem to be getting any shorter just my wallet is alot lighter than a year or so ago before I owned it!
  4. I'll give him a message and see what he says Managed to track down a set of brackets from the states for £150 for the pair Inc. postage and import fees so that may be the way I go. I think I'd be hard pushed to beat that for a price! Holidays and other bits and pieces are taking priority at the moment so once I'm back in mid August I'll be getting them ordered and fitted! Seem to be pushing it further and further back at the moment They'll be in for Trax that's for sure
  5. I'll also be booking my ticket on payday. Trax was one of the best shows I went to last year!
  6. Can no longer make the event tomorrow due to work commitments. I have a stand pass for anyone that wants it, free of charge. I haven't given my reg yet so anyone should be able to use it without a problem! Pass will need to be collected from BS16 though.
  7. @Chris370 Ah that's a bit of a bummer! They sure can be quite expensive to run, especially when you've got to pay your finance on top of that. No car is worth stressing over money - hope it all works out for you though! @ShortPaul Haven't got the seats in yet. A friend of mine was due to make the brackets at his work as he works in a machining company. However, he's since found a new job so that's off the cards Looking at getting myself some Planted seat brackets at the minute but just weighing up my options. 100% don't want rails as i want the seat as low as possible. Planted brackets are looking to be around £170 per side which imo seems like a total rip of for a plate of steel and 4 tabs There are a few other options out there at almost half the price - I just can't seem to find many people who've used them before so I'm a bit hesitant to go ahead with them... Not really in any rush to get them fitted at the moment as I've just spent a fortune on car parts for my girlfriends birthday for her GT86 I'd also like to change the steering wheel at the same time as installing the seats. Aiming to get them fitted at some point in July maybe
  8. @Chris370 Cheers mate! How come you were thinking of selling up?
  9. @nissanjuke Out of interest, how much is the gearbox service going to cost?
  10. @Bry Yeah I've read a few forum posts on the US 370 site and a few people have mentioned that rails can make them sit quite high! I'm the only person that ever drives my car so i have no real need for them anyway.
  11. @Bry Nah i didn't bother with the brackets in the end, they're give or take £200 each! I'll be making my own base plate and then probably purchasing the L brackets to mount the seat to the base. I doubt I'll run rails or anything like that either just to ensure i can get the seat as low as possible in the cabin.
  12. They look spot on mate, very nice touch +1 on the build thread!
  13. The lower mileage, well-kept examples seems to keep their value relatively well i think. But there are definitely a lot more cheaper 370's for sale at the moment, Plenty of cars in the sub £10k range I purchased mine almost a year and a half ago at 34,000 miles for £15k. Looking now, the prices for the equivalent today are still around £15/16k as far as i can tell. Although this is probably just wishful thinking
  14. @Adrian@TORQEN Awesome, thanks! I'll be purchasing a pair of those on payday
  15. @Adrian@TORQEN Don't suppose there's a chance of a discount on the M2 seat rails for the 370z
  16. So... Combe turned out to be a bit more expensive than initially anticipated Purchased myself a pair of Bride x Vertex Funky Queen Zeta 3's. I've been eyeing these up for ages so I was quite amazed to see some in person at combe on the Japwestmods trade stand. Couldn't say no!
  17. The vast majority of it is Official Sensitive unfortunately. Had to pretty much sign my life away at the start of the project Likewise all of the Hinkley work is classified purely because of the commercial nature of it all. Although our scope for that project is mostly just the pipework, associated tanks, pumps and heat exchangers etc. so not as interesting as some of the other projects I've been on. Definitely a challenge though trying to figure out the introduction routes for some of the larger plant equipment! Especially since the vast majority of it is carried-in rather than walled-in as you'd expect it to be. Chernobyl is definitely on my bucket list. Although that won't be happening any time in the distant future for me unfortunately; just spent an absolute fortune booking hotels for my road trip in the Summer. I may try and include it on the route next year though dependant on my plans.
  18. I work predominantly in mechanical design. I've spent most of my time working on nuclear related MoD projects and have just recently moved over to HPC working on the design team over there. I've spoken to a few people at work who've made the trip to Chernobyl and they all say it's unbelievable in person. You expect the devastation around the reactor itself, it's the state of the exclusion zone that really sets you back.
  19. Having worked within nuclear for multiple years now, worked at Berkeley and had tours of Heysham & HPC I must say its hugely interesting to see it all in person. You really can't appreciate the scale of it all until you really see it for yourself! Nuclear power is truly amazing but it can certainly be very scary when something goes wrong. Thankfully, as you said @TT350, nuclear power is certainly much safer nowadays.
  20. I'd assume it to be someone that's stolen the images and created a fake/scam advert on eBay. Car is for sale via Hamptons of Surrey, located in Ewshot. Yet the eBay ad states it's located in Brighton? Also, if it's a car dealer selling the car, why would they not list it on their actual eBay selling account rather than a small account being used to sell socks and artwork
  21. Club pass purchased 1. Nso93 2. Humpy 3. ShortPaul 4. Silverthorn - PAID
  22. Apologies for missing this. Thanks @ShortPaul for the message! I'm more than up for this! 1. Nso93 2. Humpy 3. ShortPaul 4. Silverthorn
  23. Considering the car is at 58k miles I'd estimate a price of 15-16k. Unfortunately i just don't think many people think that modifications actually add any significant value to the resale value of a car. They'll ultimately compare it to a slightly newer car on 30k ish miles for slightly less money. But, if you can find the right buyer who appreciates the money spent on the vehicle then i think you'll sell it no problem I'd be very surprised if there is another 370 for sale at the moment where the owner has forked out to have the car corner balanced! so that's a huge plus in my books.
  24. They look spot on mate Kind of wish I'd done mine when i split them to paint the housing now!
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