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  1. 1. andy James PAID 2. Sebastian PAID - Track 14.40 3. Stephanie 4. Andy_Muxlow PAID 5. SHEZZA PAID 6. Silverthorn PAID 7. Cs2000 PAID - Track 14:40 8. nissmoandy PAID 9.Paul K - Paid (ticket rolled over from last year) 10. V1H PAID 11. Matthew Thain PAID 12. Jamie Thain PAID 13. whitevanman. PAID 14. Mark350Z. PAID - Track 14.40 15. luigi350z PAID 16. Sarah PAID 17. zzincubus (Len Meakin) PAID 18. Flashback - PAID 19. FruitPolo PAID 20. BUSTER PAID 21. Trott + 1 PAID 22. George (tarmacsportz) -PAID 23. Valy - PAID 25. MattRwebB - will pay end of month 26. Terry - Paid 27. Jamie - paid 28. checkle91 - PAID 29. AndrewK - Paid 30. Jenso - PAID 31. Tauvp - paid 32. 14N - PAID 33. Ross dean- PAID -track 15-20 34. Face_Eator PAID + Handling course 35. jamstar007 PAID Track time 9.40 36. ILikeDolphins PAID 37. kostask PAID 38. ASugars888 - Paid 39. Humpy - PAID 40.KBAD - Paid 41. Alex 350 - Paid 42. silky- Paid (rolled over ticket) 43.Ry4n -Paid 44.NICECUBED - PAID 45. Dannyg - PAID 46. RDON -PAID 47. Mathias - PAID 48. omegacloud - PAID Track 10:20 49. Kaikora - PAID 50. prodrive11 - PAID (track: 9:20, 10:20, 11:40) 51. 350Zeta - PAID 52. Lbow350z - PAID 53. Gregglecakes - PAID 54. harvers - PAID 55. Zelda - PAID 56. KG350z -PAID 57. Roamy (Luke) PAID 58. D-NISMO (Dan+1) PAID 59. clacksonator PAID 60. Ian Neild PAID, track 10.20 61.350z-btb PAID 62. Footbola - PAID 63. Kieran McNulty - Paid 64. Jonnymonno- Paid 65. Edd20022 - PAID 66. Budbongo - PAID 67. pagan - PAID 68. Stuggerz 👻 - PAID 69. Bunning - PAID 70. Jinshim (+1)- PAID 71.Zephyrz33-PAID 72. D7MOA (+1) - PAID 73. OLI38 - PAID
  2. ollie_south on Instagram Would be great to see more Zed content on my feed
  3. OLI38

    Tyre Query

    I was in the same boat a year ago when I needed some new tyres for the 350. After some research and thought I decided to go with the Falken Azenis and I couldn't recommend them enough - I think they're a great tyre for much less money. I don't regret my decision at all, premium tyres would always be my preference if money was no option but on a budget, I think the Falkens are the best money can buy. I was a bit conscious of having the cheaper mid range tyres at first but that worry soon went. Okay i don't absolutely rag the 350, but i do have a few 'spirited' drives and they certainly hold the car well. Id never throw it around in the wet so i couldn't comment on that but in the dry they're more than adequate in my opinion. One of my mates also runs them on his TTRS and he also speaks very highly of them.
  4. Both of my rear arches have started to bubble and peel so ive recently been asking around for quotes - £1000 per corner seems to be about right. Seems to be a super expensive job, assuming its labour costs?
  5. Both of my rear arches have started to bubble and peel so ive recently been asking around for quotes - £1000 per corner seems to be about right. Seems to be a super expensive job, assuming its labour costs?
  6. I know there are a couple that are for sale at the moment as i have been looking at a second hand one for mine. I know Facebook market can have some real rubbish on there but there is currently a genuine Nissan 350z car cover for sale for £100, and im sure the the seller may drop the price as its been for sale for a while now, from what i remember it was for sale in Sheffield. Have you checked Gumtree and eBay also?
  7. As above, I can second this comment. I bought the cheapest Colgate toothpaste and used a couple of microfiber cloths (one to buff it in, other to buff off) and they're as clear as ever now. It certainly does require some serious elbow grease though. My headlight units now look just as good, if not better than my mates who had theirs professionally done with a buffer - and i only spent 2 quid doing it!
  8. Good Morning everyone, I'm sure this question has been asked a few times before but i haven't been able to find any answers. In the last month or so i have started to notice rust appearing on the 2 rear arches of my 350z. It has started bubbling in a few places so i am assuming it will need the full cut/welding work doing to it. I'm hoping to get the work done before we start to hit the crappy winter weather, which will only make the rust worse. I was wondering if any one had any recommendations of where to go to get the rust treated around Sheffield/Chesterfield or the South Yorkshire region? I would be happy to travel further if i know it is going to a reputable workshop. I have taken it to John Bee in Sheffield however they quoted £1k per corner to do it properly, which i thought was a bit steep?? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Cheers, Ollie.
  9. OLI38

    Moving On

    I always used to use Maguires for the low price and convenience (always found it to be better than AutoGlym) but after i bought my Zed in October i wanted to treat it to some proper car cleaning products. Ive found Auto Finesse to be my favourite brand at the moment, costs an arm and a leg for their stuff but it sure makes the Zed look mint
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