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  1. Definitely remove, looks like someones nicked the 350 and left the Z
  2. I'll agree with you on that one! Only thing that's stopping me is i dont quite know how I'm going to fix it to the bumper!
  3. Photos don't do it any justice in all fairness, it's got a much different look compared to seeing it in the flesh, maybe the camera angle makes in more pronounced. The lighting certainly hasn't made it very clear as the sun was just dipping behind the houses.
  4. Just giving her a wash as we speak, will take pics when finished
  5. I'm not a massive fan of the reflectors, mines been debadged, had the reflectors removed and fibreglassed over, in my opinion it gives it a much sleeker look. I'm running a miltek cat back but may consider something like your quad if I get bored/need to replace it! That's mud on the front lip after taking her out, not stone chips
  6. Wow those interior pieces look fantastic! Any recommendations of who to go to and how much to get that done?
  7. I like the look of the quad pipes on the back Quick question with the tyres though... are you sure you're running 195/35 and 165/35's?? Seems very skinny for a Z especially when you say the rims are 11 and 9.5 respectively
  8. Got one on order, Jake is trying a carbon wrap for me which I'm excited about, can't wait to see the finished product
  9. ^^^ what a t**t! No regard for anyone's safety, there's even kids there!! Last place you should be doing that kind of speed! He would wish he was in jail if that was my daughter!
  10. I paid 7k for my 08 with 70k on the clock and it's in brilliant condition. If I were you, I would be patient, find a HR that has been well cared for and you'll be laughing.
  11. That's fine mate have a look and let me know. Cheers
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