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    herne bay

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  1. Ah that makes sense Stu... thought it was an odd rule. by the way how do i make spam emails? Not that i want to, just dont want to do it by accident
  2. Good idea buddy. yea it was one of the rules I read wasnt sure if people were going to be jobsworths about it
  3. I had mine for two months and my grin hasn't faded. Although I'm now toying without traction control on and exiting corners really isn't that bad. I was expecting it to be twitcher. Haven't tried in the wet mind you
  4. Yea I have rear lights already, just the fronts that need doing. Will give the appearance of the uprev then
  5. Some prices would be good buddy. I know the headlamps are gonna be megger though
  6. I want your bootlid...is it for sale
  7. has the carpet gone?
  8. Thats whats im hoping for... I see there are a couple of sets for sale on here at the moment, well....hopefully they are...
  9. Also while im here i would'nt mind getting hold of a rear tailgete that has been smoothed off (no spoiler basically) , ideally in gun metal so that i dont have to paint it
  10. Hi, I've just joined as im now the proud owner of a Zed. Why did i wait so long to buy one. What a car!! I'm looking to keep it stock, allthough would'nt mind changing the headlights to facelift ones, and i would'nt mind changing the wheels to LMGT4's. any help on those two fronts would be appreciated.
  11. Hi are these wheels still available? i have some standard rays with good tyres that i'd be happy to swap, allthough the rules say no swapping is allowed of you have less than 15 posts. I have only just joined so ill work on my 15 posts no problems. im in kent so shouldnt be be too difficult to do a swap if you are interested?
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